Windows Vista Ships with .NET FX 3.0 and IIS7 Built-in
As you might have already heard, earlier today Microsoft released to manufacturing (aka RTM'd) Windows Vista. This is a huge milestone, and the product contains a ton of great features and value. I've been running it as my only operating system since July, and have been really impressed the last few months (I haven't had a single crash or issue with it since RC1 - despite using it heavily 12+ hours every day).
Two feature highlights I'm particularly excited about being built-in to Vista:
- .NET Framework 3.0 (including the new Avalon, Indigo, Workflow and CardSpace libraries)
- IIS 7.0 (including its deep integration with ASP.NET)
These are going to significantly improve the developer experience and the capabilities of applications on both the client and server. It is really going to be fun to see what people build and launch with them.
IIS Stats v1.0 for Windows SideBar Sample
Speaking of fun cool Vista developer things, Bill Staples posted a neat IIS7 SideBar Gadget sample on his blog earlier today (for an example of what it looks like check out the image to the right of this post). It enables you to track the total number of requests to an IIS7 server since it was launched, as well as the current requests per second (RPS) for all sites. It provides an easy way to monitor what your box is doing on your desktop - as well as a cool sample to learn how to build SideBar Gadgets of your own.
Click here to download Bill's sample as well as the source code that shows how he built it (it uses the new IIS7 Health Monitoring diagnostic information exposed via WMI apis).
Hope this helps,