Fabrice's weblog
Tools and Source
As the DotNetWeblogs have now moved to ASP.NET weblogs and are hosted by Microsoft, I felt necessary to add a disclaimer to my weblog to remind that my posts are independent from Microsoft.
AOP for tracing
Simon Mourier says that he is "missing good tracing support from the CLR".
If you need to do some clean-up on your disk, you should definitly download SequoiaView to get an idea where the big files are hiding. If offers a nice and efficient treemap view of your disks.
CodeSmith rules
Just wanted to let people now that CodeSmith is a powerful yet simple tool that can help you with code generation tasks. You should definitly give it a look.
Bravo Eric! -
New Pet Shop implementations
There is still a lot of activity around the Java Pet Store and .NET Pet Shop sample applications. Here are the latest news from the front:
Ward Cunningham and the Fit Framework
Here is a nice quote by Jon Udell from his interview with Ward Cunningham:
Generic doesn't mean "do-all"
As a follow-up to my article on generic data access, I'd like to clear something up.
Generic data access with ADO.NET and the Data Access Application Block
I've published an article on a french site named DotNetGuru. This site is dedicated to technical articles mainly about architecture in .NET (often with comparisons with J2EE).
Switching to RSS Bandit... not
I'm probably not going to win any friends, but...
I've uninstalled RSS Bandit Beta 5. I did this for a couple of reasons.
... -
Mozilla Firebird 0.6 (formerly Phoenix)
The long due Mozilla Firebird 0.6 release is out