Fabrice's weblog
Tools and Source
[Book] Framework Design Guidelines : Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries
Guidelines in this book come in four major forms: Do, Consider, Avoid, and Do not.
How long will the .NET moniker survive?
Did you notice that the .NET name is slowly fading away? The new names have nothing to do with it but are attached to Windows instead: WinFX, WinFS, Windows Communication Foundation (Indigo), Windows Presentation Foundation (Avalon), Windows Workflow Foundation (Winoe), etc.
Ok, this is marketing, but say bye bye to .NET everywhere and hello to Windows everywhere instead. This also means: forget about platform independance...
BTW, now we have WCF, WPF, WWF... How long before we get WTF? Windows Transaction Framework maybe? or just What The F..
Atlas Project preview
If you're one of the lucky few who have time to play with the latest technotoys like AJAX, it's time for you to check out the Community Preview site for Microsoft's Atlas project!
Visual Studio 2005 Release Candidate: not ready for production!
The Release Candidate of Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite is available on MSDN Subscribers Downloads and at the PDC I guess.
"Great" I thought! Maybe this will be the version that will be usable with PageMethods?
SharpToolbox raffle: win a SmartInspect license
Do you want to win a SmartInspect Professional license?
Gurock Software is offering one each of the coming months to one of the subscribers to SharpToolbox' newsletter. The results of the first raffle wave will be given in one month. Don't miss your chance and subscribe now at http://SharpToolbox.com
Still no tabbed MDI in Firefox?
Something I miss everyday when using Firefox is Tabbed MDI (à la Visual Studio). I really hope this is something that will be implemented soon, because I often need to have two or more pages side-by-side. I do not want to open one more window - I already have enough windows on the desktop! - I just want to split the current one in two by dragging a tab to one side of the browser.
I'm pretty sure this will be implemented in IE 7 (Could someone confirm this?). Please Firefox developers, include this.
Is a new Beta required for Visual Studio 2005?
There is now an official call for a new Beta of VS 2005 and .NET 2.0.
Vote if you wish the "project-less web projects" fixed, Visual Studio 2005 cleaned-up from all the workarounds that were added to fix problems, and more of the bugs really fixed. If you have tried Beta 2 and converted your projects to it, I'm sure you agree that something has to be done. -
Guidelines, a hidden feature for the Visual Studio editor
Sara Ford tells us how to use a hidden feature of the Visual Studio editor: visual guidelines.
These guidelines are visible column indicators for the VS editor.
I tried it with Visual Studio 2003 and it works fine. Here is the value I use: RGB(255,200,200) 80
This helps you to keep your code lines within the 80-caracter wide limit.
Common ASP.NET 2.0 conversion issues and solutions
In a timely manner (see the ongoing discussions here or here), Microsoft has released a list of conversion issues when upgrading from ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 2.0.
If you are used to 1.1 and plan to move to 2.0, you'd better read this document to learn about the breaking changes and how to fix them!
Even if a conversion wizard will be delivered with the final release of Visual Studio 2005 to better avoid some of the current known issues by automatically implementing the necessary changes, you still have to know about the changes because a conversion/migration is not a final step: you'll have to actually code with ASP.NET 2.0 and so will face the same issues.
One more occasion to warn you: moving to ASP.NET 2.0 will not be a smooth process. -
Microsoft needs to leave the cargo ship and jump aboard a speedboat
Paschal complains that using Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 in real world is not that easy.
I think a lot of teeth grinding is to be expected next year in enterprises when managers wondering why there is a sudden productivity drop will have to hear that people who have been learning .NET for years now need to relearn how to work with .NET and Visual Studio!
Microsoft is moving slowly lately, in the sense that they prefer big bad updates such as the "VS 2005 / .NET 2 / SQL Server 2005 / Biztalk 2006" pack instead of regular and agile improvements. Where are .NET 1.2, .NET 1.5 or Visual Studio 2004? C# 2.0 has been ready for years and we still cannot use it for production! This is just an example.
I'm not even talking aboutLonghornWindows Vista (you know, the one that looks so small in a telescope).
Apparently Microsoft is aware of the problem and I think we will see some changes next year with the Atlas project or Cω and the .NET Language Integrated Query Framework, which will be delivered as interim releases or upgrade packs... Well, at least I hope so!