ASP.NET Hosting

How to find out what's running inside that out-of-control Services.exe or Svchost.exe

For Windows XP:

To view the list of services that are running in Svchost:

  1. Click Start on the Windows taskbar, and then click Run.
  2. In the Open box, type CMD, and then press ENTER.
  3. Type Tasklist /SVC, and then press ENTER.

 For Windows 2000:;EN-US;250320

 To view the list of services that are running in Svchost:

  1. From the Windows 2000 installation CD's Support\Tools folder, Extract the Tlist.exe utility from the file.
  2. On the Start menu, click Run, and then type cmd.
  3. Change folder to the location from which you extracted the Tlist.exe utility.
  4. Type tlist -s.

[Scott Hanselman]

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