ASP.NET Hosting

Aggregation and Asynchronous Invocation Application blocks slides and demo application

This month, I gave this presentation with Microsoft about the Applications Blocks. The session I took part in was about the Aggregation Application Block and the Asynchronous Invocation Application Block. The seminar was in French, so are the slides, but the source code for the demo is in English and commented in English. The voice recordings will be online soon, but they are in French - what would you expect? The presentation was given in Paris! :-)

You can download the slides and the source code. Please read the included ReadMe.txt file for the instructions in order to have the demo application working.

The WinForm demo application invokes four services (SQL Server's Northwind database, the MapPoint web service, the Google Search web service and a weather service). The services are invoked using the Aggregation block, the aggregated results are then rendered as HTML using XSLT to transform the XML data.
The demo application can be used synchronously or asynchronously, in which case the Asynchronous Invocation block is used.

IMHO, the demo we created is more interesting than the sample provided with the blocks. If you plan to check these blocks out, you definitely want to give a look at our demo :-)

Thanks go to Stéphane Goudeau from Microsoft France who was my partner in crime for this presentation!

La bande son de cette présentation devrait suivre prochainement, je vous tiens au courant.

Les autres présentations sont également disponibles en téléchargement sur la nouvelle page des Forums Architectes organisés par Microsoft.
L'occasion de rappeler que Microsoft France a récemment ouvert une section dédiée à l'architecture sur MSDN France.

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