ASP.NET Hosting

Interesting stats and viral marketing experiment

Don't you think this is a nice bell curve, with a short tail?

These are the stats for a page I put in place about the TransAtlantys hoax, an advertisement campaign based on viral marketing, which claimed a tunnel and train was being built under the Antlantic Ocean. This was just a campaign from a travel company to sell airline tickets from Paris to New-York!
I think it was an interesting experiment and shows how quickly viral marketing takes on the internet. The first day, there was no result from Google about this hoax; two days after, 16,000; and now more than 100,000. The traffic quickly reduced starting on June 3, because this is the day when the hoax was revealed on the official site. You can also see "holes" during the week-ends (4-5 and 11-12).
What's nice is that my page is ranked number 2, just after the official site :-)

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