SharePoint Inspector - a cool WSS3/MOSS2007 exploration tool
I just stumbled accross SharePoint Inspector by Gaetan Bouveret. A great tool that allows you to explore your SharePoint Farm.
It is a very developer oriented tool that gives you insight in everything that is going on inside SharePoint. Check it out! Even source code available.
To get the code compiled:
- Download code
- Unzip
- Replace key GatWeb.snk.pfx (password protected) by your own key, name it GatWeb.snk
- In the current download a file FDisplayView.resx is missing, remove it from the solution (click open FDisplayView.cs)
- Compile and go!
Features (quoted from the codeplex site):
Displays SharePoint objects with reflection on their properties :
- Farm
- Servers
- Services
- Feature Definitions
- Solutions
- Databases
- Web Applications
- Site collections
- Websites
- Content Types
- Site Columns
- Features
- Lists
- Associated Workflows
- Event Receivers
- Recycle Bin
- ...
- Activate / Deactivate feature
- Add / remove event receiver on list and content type
- Manage Recycle bin