Let the Blog begin....

This is my first weblog entry ever! Until now I was spamming my collegues with my thoughts. They were not always happy with it, complaining about all those "useless" mails they receive. Problem is that not everyone is interested in every subject. We adopted a kind of namespacing on our general e-mails like: [FORMS] How to do bla bla bla... which helped, although we had some strange namespaces appearing. For me blogging seems to be the solution to three problems at the same time:

  • I don't have to spam my collegues anymore with my thoughts
  • I (hopefully) have a wider audience "listening" to my spam, resulting in more feedback (often you are the only within a company busy with exactly that specific topic)
  • My "spam" is not lost, but gets arhcived automatically so i can read back my own thoughts and responses on them.

I hope that you readers will benefit from my thoughts and information, and I really apreciate any feedback!!!!

Serge van den Oever
Specialist developer
The Netherlands
Macaw - http://www.macaw.nl

Disclaimer: All information shared here is my personal opinion, not neccesarely that of the company I work for.


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