
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • Two Loosely Coupled Code - Part 2

    In the

    I raised the question of "Too loosely coupled design". There's a lot to discuss about it, and I am not going more time on it, except showing one more sample that IMHO shows the benefits and outcomes of the principle being applies, or consequences of not doing so.

  • OCP Principle

    Jeremy Miller (aka The Shade Tree Developer) has a very good article about OCP principle printed by MSDN magazine. This is a valuable article for any developer that strives to work according to law of "measure twice, cut once", and not just cook spaghetti. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc546578.aspx 

  • Going To See My Family

    This is not a technical post. Nor it's related to software development or the theory behind it. It is a pure human post about principles that are much more basic and important in life then anything else - family.

  • Windsor Container - Bug

    Today run into what I think is a bug in Windsor Container. After googling a bit, found a post that is similar to what I have - need to have a constructor in implementer component (ctor(string)) and configure Windsor to call it, rather than overloaded version of constructor. For some reason Windsor is not going to the default constructor.

  • Whiteboard vs. Excel - Part 2

    I have posted before about the subject, and there was a strong hold on both sides (for and against). Yesterday I run into a blog that mentioned a software called Mingle 2.0 - obviously not the first version according to the name, but I have never heard of it before, so it might be a naming game (all the Web 2.0 thing) - who knows? And probably someone knows. If you a successful survivor of the software or have  a few words to drop, leave your comment after the beep.

  • What About ALT.NET Calgary Group?

    We have some very talented and blade sharp people here. So why can't we start ALT.NET Calgary local group? This would definitely promote excellent ideas around, enrich our dev community, put more stress on quality, agility, and much more. Feel free to contact me if interested.

  • Changes

    After a long time I had the book sitting idle, finally I had a chance to get my hands image on it - Who Moved My Cheese. A very nice, fairy tale kind-of book teaching how to cope with changes. I loved it, especially it's nice to read if you are trying to wrap around the agility concept.