
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • MbUnit 2.4 PlugIn for ReSharper 4.0

    Albert Weinert has release an update to his plugin to allow execution of R# 4.0 from within Visual Studio .NET 2005 / 2008. The only Unit Testing framework supported by R# 4.0 out of box is NUnit, so this is a useful plugin for those who prefer MbUnit to NUnit.

  • IDs to Objects

    A few months ago I blogged about Domain Objects vs. Primitive Types. Back then it felt right to me to transform a primitive type, like a Guid that represented an organization ID, to an Organization domain object. Unfortunately at that time I was not educated enough to know that this is a common idiom among many object designers. Apparently it is. Craig Larman writes it nicely in his book (in my case Organization is what Craig references to as a Customer):

  • Have Honest Opinion

    It is very hard to provide an honest opinion when you are involved in a situation. I found it always difficult for myself and admired people of being able to do it, lifting themselves from emotional attachments to the matter.

  • Command-Query Separation Principle

    A few days ago read in Larman's book about Command-Query Separation Principle. Funny to mention  that I heard about the concept many times ago, but this is the only source that stated it as a principle. And it makes total sense once you evaluate all the pros and cons of the idea.

  • 3 Years

    Today is 3 years since I started working with the company I work today. It's being a long journey from figuring out what I want, till realizing what I am and need to be. The team has accepted all of my wildest ideas about the code and was very tolerant to the fact that I cannot wait to get something done. We've made a long way.

  • Google Shortcut Keys - Awesome

    For all keyboard junkies out there - if you are also hooked on Google products (GMail, Reader, Calendar, etc), don't miss the option of using GMail with keyboard shortcuts. The are awesome. I loved the navigation shortcut (combination of pressing first G and then another key, neat).