Jamming With Mr. Mo

Today I had a friend of mine, Mr. Mo, visiting us for a dinner and then having a little code jam (with a cup of tea and some crackers). A few things I would like to comment on:

- Thank you Mo for discovering the great taste of Oren’s triple A stake. Rhino Mocks 3.5 is awesome. Not only it is more natural to read, but also blends the differences between state based and interaction based testing into more cohesive testing. I loved it.

- I am not the only one who has strong negative feelings about not-so-sexy stored procedures and logic in DB

- TDD PPP (ping pong pairing) with a developer that has same attitude as you are is amazing. Ready to push the boundaries, ready to be bold with code. Willing to experiment to have it done better.

- People over processes is so much valid. I have burned so many bridges in the past. No longer willing to do it. Serving as a good example is way better than a target for hatred.

- Fear and Pride are the worse enemies of almost any developer. Fear of an unknown. Pride of the old achievements. When you free of thus bargain, you are able to achieve more. Much more.

PS: Mo, relocate to SW!

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