Too Loosely Coupled Code

Strive for loosely coupled designs between objects that interact.

By minimizing the knowledge one class has of another, you decrease dependency between those classes. Independent classes provide more flexibility in design.

Does this mean your application becomes more difficult to understand? Yes to a certain degree. You have to understand a few things before trying to work with loosely coupled code, things like the idea behind this principle. Why coupling is bad in first place. Determine how coupled your code that you normally created. Why you need loosely coupled code (or "what's in it for me").

One of the benefits of TDD I figured out for myself is that it forces you (yes, forces) to stick to the loosely coupled design. Program to an interface, not an implementation. By defining interface/contract first, and deferring it's implementation for later, you defer the concrete implementation of other components that are not the primarily target at the moment. That is a loose coupling, since you minimize the dependency on details of those components. Depend upon abstractions. Do not depend upon concrete classes. Interface is the abstraction, allowing to substitute implementer of it. Combined with Dependency Injection Principle, you achieve a true loose coupling.

So the code like the one at the bottom (that doesn't really do anything significant) is loosely coupled to the component of type IComponentA, which is an abstraction. We don't know who is the implementer of this contract unless look into either a startup code or configuration file that sets the implementers for the contracts.

How difficult to learn that from looking briefly at the code? Probably not the easiest task. But you would never get it in first place, without understanding the principles. So saying that the code is 'hard to trace' indicated that there's no understanding of the principles. When you understand what DependencyResolver is, and concepts it implements, you immediately understand what the chained constructor is doing. TDD is forcing to expose the 2nd (parameterized) constructor for easier dependency supply. You could configure DependencyResolver for tests, but then it adds complexity to the testing.

So my question is can code be too loosely, or your code is so coupled, that anything else is difficult to digest?

   1:  public class ComponentB : IComponentB
   2:  {
   3:      private IComponentA dependency;
   5:      public ComponentB() :
   6:            this(DependencyResolver.GetImplementationOf<IComponentA>()) 
   7:      public ComponentB(IComponentA dependency) 
   8:      {
   9:         this.dependency = dependency;
  10:      }
  12:      public void SomeFunctionality(string param)
  13:      {
  14:         var result = 
  15:         return DoSomethingWith(result); 
  16:      }
  17:  }


  • There is always coupling - we are coupled to our language choices, our OS choices, our choice of UI framework, etc.

    There has to be a balance - and balance requires thoughtful architectural choices. Architecture is the art of *choosing where* to introduce coupling, with the objective of making the developers lives easier (code is easily readable, easily writable), but without coupling ourselves into a corner that limits future choices.

    One important trick I have learned is that for large systems, coupling is *less* important at the micro level (individual classes) and *more* important at the module level (subsystems).

  • @Steve
    thank you for the trick tip - yet still I believe that individual systems (components in subsystems) have to be lousely coupled, or you end up with a subsystem that is functional at certain conditions, and completely useless in others.

    with power comes the responsibility. If you give a 10 years old to read "War and Piece" - I doubt there will be a full understanding. Same with the code, if you are stack at the level of for-if-case, no chance you will be able to understand and maintain it.

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