
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • Pair-Programming, Keyboard, and Mice

    While pairing today with one of the developers from our team, we decided not to let the mice to distract us, and unplugged it. That was awesome - within seconds we diagnosed ourselves with a mouse-have-to-touch addiction symptom. Every single moment a hand was reaching to the sacred location two things happened:

  • NHibernate 2.0 Tutorials

    Over the weekend I had a chance to play a bit with the tutorials provided by Gabriel Schenker for NHibernate 2.0 TDD style. A few thoughts on the subjects:

  • The Dip by Seth Godin

    An interesting book where author sharpens things that are quiet simple and have lots of common sense. I loved a few things that are very applicable to myself:

  • Whiteboard With Stickers vs. Excel

    At the company I work for we are trying to do things in a more agile way. And one of the things that people hesitate to do is to stick to something to 'taste' it. It doesn't necessarily means that there will be no value delivered to the client, or the work will be entirely stalled. To me it means don't turn down right away something until you know what are you talking about. And you won't know what you are talking about unless you do it. So this one is about whiteboard with stickers vs excel spreadsheet.

  • JP in the House

    Today JP Boodhoo has visited the place I am working for to give a short idea what we should be doing to become more agile and walk the path of true developers. It was short, and we didn't have a chance to hit the base code (code never lies), but this is definitely will wake some up from the Matrix (later on this one).

  • VAR To Keep It Simple

    Among various things in C# 3.0, one of the syntactical sweets that I find quiet useful is the 'var' keyword. Combined with R# intelligence, you create a very readable code that is not cluttered with excessive type reminders. Just enough to keep it strongly typed and readable.

  • Tentity

    Tentity - Database mirrored Table representation in code to mimic the concept of entity, bringing DB awareness, cache and persistence concerns in it, with design driven mostly for the state and some functionality dictated by DB operations to be performed on the data. A complete anti-POCO.

  • Fun, Respect, and Money

    There was an interesting observation made once, that to be happy with what you do, you have to have 2 out of 3 things which are Fun, Respect, and Money. If you have all three, then you are doing great. In case there is only one out of three, it is really up to your spirit, until you move on. Two is a reasonable number if you passionate about what you doing.