
Archives / 2013 / January
  • Build a dual-monitor stand for under $20

    Like many software developers, my primary computer is a laptop. At home, I like to connect it to an external monitor and use the laptop screen as the secondary monitor. I like to bring the laptop screen as close to my eye as possible. I got an idea when I visited IKEA with my wife yesterday.

    IKEA carries a wide variety of legs and boards. I bought a box of four 4” legs for $10 (the website shows $14 but I got mine in the store for $10) and a 14” by 46” pine wood board for $7.50. After a simple assembly, I got my sturdy dual-monitor stand.

    Dual-monitor stand

    I place both my wireless keyboard and mouse partially underneath the stand. That allows me bring the laptop closer. The space underneath the stand can be used as temporary storage space. This simple idea worked pretty well for me.

  • Importing a large file into Sql Server database employing some statistics

    I imported a 2.5 GB file into our SQL server today. What made this import challenging is SQL Server Import and Export Wizard failed to read the data. This file is a tab delimited file with CR/LF as record separator. The lines are truncated if the remaining line is empty, resulting variable number of columns in each record. Also, there is a memo field that contains CR/LF so that it is not reliable to use CR/LF to break the records.

    I had to write my own import utility. The utility does the import in 2 phases: analysis and import phases. In the first phase, the utility reads the entire file to determine the number of columns, the data type of each column, its width and whether it allows null. In order to address the CR/LF problem, the utility uses the following algorithm:

    Read a line to determine the number of columns in the line.

    Peek the next line and determine the number of columns in the second line. If the sum of the two numbers is less than the expected column count, the second line is a candidate for merging into the first line. Repeat this step.

    When determining the column type, I first initialize each column with a narrow type and then widen the column when necessary. I widen the columns in the following order: bool -> integral -> floating ->varchar. Because I am not completely sure that I merged the lines correctly, I relied on the probability rather than the first occurrence to widen the field. This allows me to run the analysis phase in only one pass. The drawback is that I do not have 100% confidence on the schema extracted; data that does not fix the schema would have to be rejected in the import phase. The analysis phase took about 10 minutes on a fairly slow (in today’s standard) dual-core Pentium machine.

    In the import phase, I did line merging similar to the analysis phase. The only difference is that, with statistics from the first phase, I was able to determine whether a short line (i.e. a line that has a small number of columns) should merge with the previous line or the next line. The criterion is that the fields split from the merge line have to satisfy the schema. I imported over 8 million records and had to reject only 1 record. I visually inspected the reject record and the data is indeed bad. I used SqlBulkCopy to load the data in 1000 record batch. It took about 1 hour and 30 minutes to import the data over the wan into our SQL server in the cloud.

    In conclusion, rather than determining the table schema fully deterministically, I employed a little bit of statistics in the process. I was able to determine the schema faster (with one pass) and higher fidelity (rejecting bogus data rather than accepting bogus data by widening schema). After all, statistics is an important part of machine learning today and it allows us to inject a little bit of intelligence into the ETL process.