Contents tagged with Visual Studio Add-ins
Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools is out !
Pro Power Tools just had been released to the Visual Studio Gallery today !
Visual Studio Extensibility Conference Sessions Online
Smart Client Software Factory WPF Enabled
Anyone who've been developing Smart Clients (or any other Winforms based applications) using Composite UI Application block and Smart Client Software Factory was wondering how to get the great frameworks functionality for building WPF based application, WPF enable us to build rich application but building the application the right way... still missing there.
The Developer's ToolBox
Yesterday i've delivered a Developer's ToolBox presentation in front of the Oracle .Net Forum, during the presentation i've prmised to publish an updated version of the presentation online so here it is...
Enterprise Library 3.0 Dec CTP on Code Plex !
Enterprise Library 3.0 Dev CTP is available on Code Plex since yesterday :-)
Whidbey Commands for VS 2003
I seem to missed the Whidbey Command for VS 2003, Visual Studio addin developed by Gaston Milano
NCover and NCoverViewer
NCover is a tool developed to instrument .NET code and gather code coverage data while your code executes. NCover is an open source initiative located on GotDotNet at: