LINQ to XML in Depth (3) Manipulating XML

[LINQ via C# series]

[LINQ to XML in Depth series]

Besides creating and querying XML, LINQ to XML also provides APIs for other XML manipulations, including cloning, deleting, replacing, and updating XML structures:

·        Clone

o     Explicit Clone: constructors of XAttribute, XCData, XComment, XDeclaration, XDocument, XElement, XProcessingInstruction, XText

·        Add

o    Add annotations: XObject.AddAnnotation

o    Add children: XContainer.Add, XContainer.AddFirst, XStreamingElement.Add

o    Add siblings: XNode.AddAfterSelf, XNode.AddBeforeSelf

·        Delete

o     Delete annotations: XObject.RemoveAnnotations

o     Delete attributes: XElement.RemoveAttributes, XAttribute.Remove

o     Delete self: XNode.Remove

o     Delete children: XContainer.RemoveNodes, XElement.RemoveAll

·        Replace

o     Replace attributes: XElement.ReplaceAttributes

o     Replace self: XNode.ReplaceWith

o     Replace children: XContainer.ReplaceNodes, XElement.ReplaceAll

·        Update

o     Update attribute: XAttribute.Value

o     Update comment: XComment.Value

o     Update declaration: XDeclaration.Encoding, XDeclaration.Standalone, XDeclaration.Version

o     Update document: XDocument.XDeclaration, XDocumentType.InternalSubset, XDocumentType.Name, XDocumentType.PublicId, XDocumentType.SystemId

o     Update element: XElement.Name, XElement.Value, XElement.SetAttributeValue, XElement.SetElementValue, XElement.SetValue

.NET Framework also provides APIs for validating and transforming XML:

·        Validate with XSD

o     Query schema: XAttribute.GetSchemaInfo*, XElement.GetSchemaInfo*

o     Validate schema: XAttribute.Validate*, XDocument.Validate*, XElement.Validate*

·        Transform with XSL: XslCompiledTransform.Transform

The APIs with * are extension methods provided by System.Xml.Schema.Extensions.


Most structures can be cloned by calling their constructors with the source instance:

internal static void ExplicitClone()


    XElement sourceElement = XElement.Parse("<element />");

    XElement clonedElement = new XElement(sourceElement);

    XText sourceText = new XText("text");

    XText clonedText = new XText(sourceText);

    XDocument sourceDocument = XDocument.Load("");

    XDocument clonedDocument = new XDocument(sourceDocument);

    object.ReferenceEquals(sourceDocument, clonedDocument).WriteLine(); // False

    object.Equals(sourceDocument, clonedDocument).WriteLine(); // False

    EqualityComparer<XDocument>.Default.Equals(sourceDocument, clonedDocument).WriteLine(); // False

    sourceDocument.Equals(clonedDocument).WriteLine(); // False

    (sourceDocument == clonedDocument).WriteLine(); // False

    XNode.DeepEquals(sourceDocument, clonedDocument).WriteLine(); // True

    XNode.EqualityComparer.Equals(sourceDocument, clonedDocument).WriteLine(); // True


If an XObject instance is in an XML tree, when it is added to a different XML tree, it is cloned, and the new instance is actually added to the target. The exceptions are XName and XNamespace, which are cached at runtime. For example:

internal static void ImplicitClone()


    XElement child = XElement.Parse("<child />");

    XName parentName = "parent";

    XElement parent1 = new XElement(parentName, child); // Attach.

    object.ReferenceEquals(child, parent1.Elements().Single()).WriteLine(); // True

    object.ReferenceEquals(parentName, parent1.Name).WriteLine(); // True


    XElement parent2 = new XElement(parentName, child); // Clone and attach.

    object.ReferenceEquals(child, parent2.Elements().Single()).WriteLine(); // False

    object.ReferenceEquals(parentName, parent2.Name).WriteLine(); // True


    XElement element = new XElement("element");

   element.Add(element); // Clone and attach.

    object.ReferenceEquals(element, element.Elements().Single()).WriteLine(); // False


Adding, deleting, replacing, updating, and events

Most of APIs to add/replace/delete/update XML structures are very intuitive. And when changing a XObject instance, XObject.Changing and XObject.Changed events are fired before and after the change. For example:

internal static void Manipulate()


    XElement child = new XElement("child");

   child.Changing += (sender, e) =>

        $"Before {e.ObjectChange}: ({sender.GetType().Name} {sender}) => {child}".WriteLine();

    child.Changed += (sender, e) =>

        $"After {e.ObjectChange}: ({sender.GetType().Name} {sender}) => {child}".WriteLine();

    XElement parent = new XElement("parent");

   parent.Changing += (sender, e) =>

        $"Before {e.ObjectChange}: ({sender.GetType().Name} {sender}) => {parent.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting)}".WriteLine();

   parent.Changed += (sender, e) =>

        $"After {e.ObjectChange}: ({sender.GetType().Name} {sender}) => {parent.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting)}".WriteLine();

    child.Value = "value1";

    // Before Add: (XText value1) => <child />

    // After Add: (XText value1) =>< child>value1</child>


    child.Value = "value2";

    // Before Remove: (XText value1) =>< child>value1</child>

    // After Remove: (XText value1) =>< child />

    // Before Add: (XText value2) =>< child />

    // After Add: (XText value2) =>< child>value2</child>


    child.Value = string.Empty;

    // Before Remove: (XText value2) =>< child>value2</child>

    // After Remove: (XText value2) =>< child />

    // Before Value: (XElement <child />) => <child />

    // After Value: (XElement< child></child>) => <child></child>



    // Before Add: (XElement <child></child>) =>< parent />

    // After Add: (XElement< child></child>) => < parent><child></child></parent>


    child.Add(new XAttribute("attribute", "value"));

    // Before Add: (XAttribute attribute="value") => <child></child>

    // Before Add: (XAttribute attribute="value") => < parent><child></child></parent>

    // After Add: (XAttribute attribute="value") => <child attribute="value"></child>

    // After Add: (XAttribute attribute="value") => <parent><child attribute="value"></child></parent>



    // Before Add: (XText 0) => <parent><child attribute="value"></child></parent>

    // After Add: (XText 0) =>< parent>0<child attribute="value"></child></parent>


    parent.ReplaceAll(new XText("Text."));

    // Before Remove: (XText 0) => <parent>0<child attribute="value"></child></parent>

    // After Remove: (XText 0) =>< parent><child attribute="value"></child></parent>

    // Before Remove: (XElement <child attribute="value"></child>) => <parent><child attribute="value"></child></parent>

    // After Remove: (XElement <child attribute="value"></child>) => <parent />

    // Before Add: (XText Text.) =>< parent />

    // After Add: (XText Text.) =>< parent>Text.</parent>


    parent.Name = "name";

    // Before Name: (XElement< parent>Text.</parent>) => <parent>Text.</parent>

    // After Name: (XElement< name>Text.</name>) => <name>Text.</name>


    XElement clonedChild = new XElement(child);

    clonedChild.SetValue(DateTime.Now); // No tracing.


There are many APIs to manipulate XML, but there are only 4 kinds of Changing/Changed events: add object, deleting object, update object value, update element/attribute name. For example, as shown above, the APIs to replace objects are shortcuts of deleting old objects and adding new objects. When setting a string as an element’s value, the element first removes its children if there is any, then add the string as a child text node, if the string is not empty string. Also, an object’s events propagate/bubble up to the ancestors, and children and siblings are not impacted. When an object is cloned, the new object’s events is not observed by the original event handlers.

XElement.SetAttributeValue and XElement.SetElementValue are different from other APIs. They can

·        add a new attribute/child element if it does not exist

·        update the attribute/child element value if it exists:

·        remove the attribute/child element if it exists and the provided value to null.

internal static void SetAttributeValue()


    XElement element = new XElement("element");

   element.Changing += (sender, e) =>

        $"Before {e.ObjectChange}: ({sender.GetType().Name} {sender}) => {element}".WriteLine();

   element.Changed += (sender, e) =>

        $"After {e.ObjectChange}: ({sender.GetType().Name} {sender}) => {element}".WriteLine();

    element.SetAttributeValue("attribute", "value1"); // Equivalent to: child1.Add(new XAttribute("attribute", "value1"));

    // Before Add: (XAttribute attribute="value1") => <element />

    // After Add: (XAttribute attribute="value1") => <element attribute="value1" />


    element.SetAttributeValue("attribute", "value2"); // Equivalent to: child1.Attribute("attribute").Value = "value2";

    // Before Value: (XAttribute attribute="value1") => <element attribute="value1" />

    // After Value: (XAttribute attribute="value2") => <element attribute="value2" />


    element.SetAttributeValue("attribute", null);

    // Before Remove: (XAttribute attribute="value2") => <element attribute="value2" />

    // After Remove: (XAttribute attribute="value2") => <element />


internal static void SetElementValue()


    XElement parent = new XElement("parent");

   parent.Changing += (sender, e) =>

        $"Before {e.ObjectChange}: {sender} => {parent.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting)}".WriteLine();

   parent.Changed += (sender, e) =>

        $"After {e.ObjectChange}: {sender} => {parent.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting)}".WriteLine();

    parent.SetElementValue("child", string.Empty); // Add child element.

    // Before Add: <child></child> => <parent />

    // After Add: <child></child> => <parent><child></child></parent>


    parent.SetElementValue("child", "value"); // Update child element.

    // Before Value:< child></child> => <parent><child></child></parent>

    // After Value: <child /> =>< parent><child /></parent>

    // Before Add: value =>< parent><child /></parent>

    // After Add: value => < parent><child>value</child></parent>


    parent.SetElementValue("child", null); // Remove child element.

    // Before Remove:< child>value</child> => < parent><child>value</child></parent>

    // After Remove: <child>value</child> => <parent />



Annotation is not a part of the XML. It is a separate arbitrary data in the memory, and associated with a XObject instance in the memory. The annotation APIs provided by XObject allows adding/querying/deleting any .NET data. Apparently, when cloning or serializing XObject, annotation is ignored on the new XObject and the generated string.

internal static void Annotation()


    XElement element = new XElement("element");

    element.AddAnnotation(new Uri(""));

    Uri annotation = element.Annotation<Uri>();

   annotation.WriteLine(); //

    element.WriteLine(); // <element />


    XElement clone = new XElement(element); // element is cloned.

    clone.Annotations<Uri>().Any().WriteLine(); // False



    (element.Annotation<Uri>() == null).WriteLine(); // True


Validating XML with XSD

XSD (XML Schema Definition) is the metadata of XML tree, including XML's elements, attributes, constrains rules, etc. System.Xml.Schema.Extensions provides a few APIs to validate XML with provided schema. To obtain a schema, one option is to infer it from existing XML:

public static XmlSchemaSet InferSchema(this XNode source)


    XmlSchemaInference schemaInference = new XmlSchemaInference();

    using (XmlReader reader = source.CreateReader())


        return schemaInference.InferSchema(reader);



The returned XmlSchemaSet instance contains s sequence of XmlSchema instances, one for each namespace in the source XML. XmlSchema can be converted to XDocument with the help of XmlWriter:

public static XDocument ToXDocument(this XmlSchema source)


    XDocument document = new XDocument();

    using (XmlWriter writer = document.CreateWriter())




    return document;


Still take an RSS feed as example, the following code outputs the RSS feed’s schema:

internal static void InferSchemas()


    XDocument aspNetRss = XDocument.Load("");

    XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = aspNetRss.InferSchema();

    schemaSet.Schemas().Cast<XmlSchema>().WriteLines(schema => schema.ToXDocument().ToString());


The printed schema is:

<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="">

  <xs:element name="rss">



        <xs:element name="channel">



              <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" />

              <xs:element name="link" type="xs:string" />

              <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" />

              <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="item">



                    <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" />

                    <xs:element name="link" type="xs:string" />

                    <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" />

                    <xs:element name="pubDate" type="xs:string" />

                    <xs:element name="guid">



                          <xs:extension base="xs:string">

                            <xs:attribute name="isPermaLink" type="xs:boolean" use="required" />





                    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="category" type="xs:string" />








      <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:decimal" use="required" />




The data is all gone, and there is only structural description for that RSS feed. Save it to a .xsd file, then it can be visualized in Visual Studio’s XML Schema Explorer:

Now, this RSS feed’s schema, represented by XmlSchemaSet, can be used to validate XML. The following example calls the Validate extension methods for XDocument to validate another RSS feed from Flickr. As demonstrated before, Flickr RSS has more elements. Apparently the validation fails:

internal static void Validate()


    XDocument aspNetRss = XDocument.Load("");

    XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = aspNetRss.InferSchema();

    XDocument flickrRss = XDocument.Load("");



        (sender, args) =>


            $"{args.Severity}: ({sender.GetType().Name}) => {args.Message}".WriteLine();

            // Error: (XElement) => The element 'channel' has invalid child element 'pubDate'. List of possible elements expected: 'item'.


            // XmlSchemaValidationException: The element 'channel' has invalid child element 'pubDate'. List of possible elements expected: 'item'.



Validate has another overload accepting a bool parameter addSchemaInfo. When it is called with true for addSchemaInfo, if an element or attribute is validated, the validation details are saved in an IXmlSchemaInfo instance, and associated with this element or attribute as an annotation. Then, the GetSchemaInfo method can be called on each element or attribute, to query that IXmlSchemaInfo annotation, if available. IXmlSchemaInfo can have a lot of information, including a Validity property, intuitively indicating the validation status:

internal static void GetSchemaInfo()


    XDocument aspNetRss = XDocument.Load("");

    XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = aspNetRss.InferSchema();

    XDocument flickrRss = XDocument.Load("");

    flickrRss.Validate(schemaSet, (sender, args) => { }, addSchemaInfo: true);




        .ForEach(element =>


            $"{element.XPath()} - {element.GetSchemaInfo()?.Validity}".WriteLine();

            element.Attributes().WriteLines(attribute =>

                $"{attribute.XPath()} - {attribute.GetSchemaInfo()?.Validity.ToString() ?? "null"}");


    // /rss - Invalid

    // /rss/@version - Valid

    // /rss/@xmlns:media - null

    // /rss/@xmlns:dc - null

    // /rss/@xmlns:creativeCommons - null

    // /rss/@xmlns:flickr - null

    // /rss/channel - Invalid

    // /rss/channel/title - Valid

    // /rss/channel/link - Valid

    // /rss/channel/description - Valid

    // /rss/channel/pubDate - Invalid

    // /rss/channel/lastBuildDate - NotKnown

    // ...


Transforming XML with XSL

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) can transform a XML tree to another. XSL transformation can be done with the System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform type:

public static XDocument XslTransform(this XNode source, XNode xsl)


    XDocument result = new XDocument();

    using (XmlReader sourceReader = source.CreateReader())

    using (XmlReader xslReader = xsl.CreateReader())

    using (XmlWriter resultWriter = result.CreateWriter())


        XslCompiledTransform transform = new XslCompiledTransform();


        transform.Transform(sourceReader, resultWriter);

        return result;



The following example transforms RSS to HTML, the most recent 5 items in RSS are mapped to HTML hyperlinks in an unordered list:

internal static void XslTransform()


    XDocument rss = XDocument.Load("");

    XDocument xsl = XDocument.Parse(@"

        <xsl:stylesheet version='1.0' xmlns:xsl=''>

            <xsl:template match='/rss/channel'>


                <xsl:for-each select='item[position() &lt;= 5]'><!--Position is less than or equal to 5.-->



                    <xsl:attribute name='href'><xsl:value-of select='link' /></xsl:attribute>

                    <xsl:value-of select='title' />







    XDocument html = rss.XslTransform(xsl);


    // <ul>

    // <li>

    //   <a href="">C# 6.0 Exception Filter and when Keyword</a>

    // </li>

    // <li>

    //   <a href="">Use Fiddler with Node.js</a>

    // </li>

    // <li>

    //   <a href="">DiskPart Problem: Cannot Select Partition</a>

    // </li>

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   //  </li>

    // <li>

    //   <a href="">Query Operating System Processes in C#</a>

    // </li>

    // </ul>


The above transformation can also be done with LINQ to Objects/XML query:

internal static void Transform()


    XDocument rss = XDocument.Load("");

    XDocument html = rss





        .Select(item =>


            string link = (string)item.Element("link");

            string title = (string)item.Element("title");

            return new XElement("li", new XElement("a", new XAttribute("href", link), title));

            // Equivalent to: return XElement.Parse($"<li><a href='{link}'>{title}</a></li>");


        .Aggregate(new XElement("ul"), (ul, li) => { ul.Add(li); return ul; }, ul => new XDocument(ul));




This chapter discusses how to use LINQ to XML APIs to work with XML data. LINQ to XML provides types to model XML following a declarative paradigm. After loading XML into memory as objects, they can be queried by LINQ to Objects. LINQ to XML provides additional queries for XML, including DOM navigation, ordering, comparison, etc. LINQ to XML also provide APIs for XPath, as well as XML manipulation, annotation, validation, and transformation, etc.


  • Databinding question: DataGridView <=> XDocument (using LINQ-to-XML):

    Learning LINQ has been a lot of fun so far, but despite reading a couple books and a bunch of online resources on the topic, I still feel like a total n00b. Recently, I just learned that if my query returns an Anonymous type, the DataGridView I'm populating will be ReadOnly (because, apparently Anonymous types are ReadOnly.)

    Right now, I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to:

    Get a subset of data from an XML file into a DataGridView,
    Allow the user to edit said data,
    Stick the changed data back into the XML file.
    So far I have Steps 1 and 2 figured out:

    public class Container
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Barcode { get; set; }
    public float Quantity { get; set; }

    // For use with the Distinct() operator
    public class ContainerComparer : IEqualityComparer<Container>
    public bool Equals(Container x, Container y)
    return x.Id == y.Id;

    public int GetHashCode(Container obj)
    return obj.Id.GetHashCode();

    var barcodes = (from src in xmldoc.Descendants("Container")
    where src.Descendants().Count() > 0
    new Container
    Id = (string)src.Element("Id"),
    Barcode = (string)src.Element("Barcode"),
    Quantity = float.Parse((string)src.Element("Quantity").Attribute("value"))
    }).Distinct(new ContainerComparer());

    dataGridView1.DataSource = barcodes.ToList();
    This works great at getting the data I want from the XML into the DataGridView so that the user has a way to manipulate the values.

    Upon doing a Step-thru trace of my code, I'm finding that the changes to the values made in DataGridView are not bound to the XDocument object and as such, do not propagate back.

    How do we take care of Step 3? (getting the data back to the XML) Is it possible to Bind the XML directly to the DataGridView? Or do I have to write another LINQ statement to get the data from the DGV back to the XDocument?


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