SQL 2005 - The Easy Uninstall Tool
Thank you Microsoft SQL Team for the SQL 2005 Beta uninstall tool. I don’t think that it was announced or mentioned loud enough. Most people will be running Add/Remove which is a bit tedious.
Star Wars - Everyone's a Critic
Microsoft’s Brian Moore arranged a free Dallas-Ft. Worth showing of Star Wars Episode III on May 19th. I skipped that opportunity so that I could make it a family event with my wife and two sons. We got there at 9am this morning.
VS2005 Debugging with Firefox
I have a few co-workers that are devoted Firefox users and saw this today.
Running a .Net SIG - Very Rewarding
Running an INETA sponsored group is actually some fun. It keeps me involved with the technology and with some of the professionals who enjoy it almost as much as I do. John Davis and myself run the Dallas C# SIG. We meet at the Microsoft Dallas campus on the first Thursday of each month.