CLR Development Resource List
This is a list of resources that I had in my CLR Internals talk last week at the Dallas C# SIG. There are so many great CLR articles and webcasts but these are my best and may come in handy for someone else. The oldie but goodie is on DrDobbs site, Don Box discussing the two main CLR DLL's. I'm sure that it won't be up there forever.
Don Box Webcast on How the CLR Works
Lutz Roeder's Reflector for .NET
ANTS Profiler
CLR Profiler
Optimized Development
Writing Faster Managed Code: Know What Things Cost (CLR Profiler)
Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability
CLR Information And CLR Performance
CLR Newsgroup
CLR Team Blogs with Tons of Tidbits
Webcasts and Articles
Don Box’s - Migrating Native Code to the .NET CLR
Common Type System
Performance Considerations for Run-Time Technologies in the .NET Framework
Performance Tips and Tricks in .NET Applications
Online IL Development Book
Project imago (link via Lutz Roeder)
Books to Consume Large Amounts of Caffeine With
Applied .Net Framework Programming
by Jeffrey Richter
Essential .NET, Volume I:
The Common Language Runtime
by Don Box