
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • Assembly Fun in ASP.NET

    I used to be a big fan of Assembly (x86) in the past when doing graphics for the ancient 320x200x256 and later when lecturing about 80x86 to practical engineers. These days I don't do that anymore, but I think knowing the basics does make sense.

  • WebResource.axd and WebApp Project

    This is weird. An assembly with web controls and embedded resources was working fine in WebSite project but not in WebApp project. The request is returned with OK response (200), but absolutely empty. Will post solution once find it :)

  • ReSharper

    Today I'm happy to be a team leader. The reason - I managed to convince the management to get ReSharper for all our developers. I'm more than convinced that developers will find it more than useful. The problem is where to send them to have the best and quickest tutorials of the most useful features. If you have links and don't mind to share - grate.

  • Microsoft MVC Framework

    Alt.Net has definitely has generated the hype and excitement (well, at least for me). I heard in ScottGu's lecture thing I wanted to hear for quite long:

  • Web.config gotcha

    I haven't paid attention to the space in the namespace attribute value and had to spin my wills till found it:

  • Hello weblogs.asp.net

    This is the 1st post on this site. My MSN Blog will be updated, but this is going to be the primarily one.  
    I am interested in posting to weblogs.asp.net the whole text, and just a preview to the old MSN blog - anyone knows how to do it from Windows Live Writer?