_realDEVELOPMENT_07 - Real Disaster

Let me first clarify - John Bristowe is a great speaker, but what he was presenting - shame on Microsoft Canada.The topics promised so much, the *real* thing was so disappointing. A few samples:

  • Subject: browser support / JavaScript issues. Sample: document.all.placeholder --> common, that's the cross-browser?
  • Subject: XHTML and strict mode --> What about how to make VS.NET digest it?...
  • Bunch of tools that should be presented at a webcast, not a national tour
  • Diagnostics.Debug to trace issues --> what about Diagnostics.Trace for the real tracing? Production?
  • More...

Now the question - is this the REAL development for web community? Am I missing something? Felt like attending a show for kids, and not developers. No wonder Java community folks are looking at us as armatures. Why it has to take an 'underground' meeting like ALT.NET to address the REAL development? Time to mature for ASP.NET community.

PS: Yes I am furious because I want to move forward and instead get entertained by 'drag-n-drop', with a bunch of developers that are excited about fancy UI showing no idea to go deeper than that.


  • What's this "drag-n-drop" you talk about???? Too bad there can't be an option in Visual Studio - Disable Design mode & toolbox :D

  • @Ryan

    I am talking about stuff like "here's a GridView, you just drag it, here's a DataSource, you just drag it, write some sql and boom the client is happy". Nonsense, this is exactly what's killing later. Where's the proper layering, where's the ability to change the code without creating the spaghetti?


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