
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • MIME Header - Content-Disposition

    I am trying to figure out something on MIME header, and just can’t understand who is standing behind the RFCs. Are they trying to read it on their own and realize if it makes sense?!

  • Wise Manager Words

    The task then is to refine the code base to better meet customer needs. If that is not clear, the programmers should not write a line of code. Every line of code costs money to write and more money to support. It is better for the developers to be surfing than writing code that won’t be needed. If they write code that ultimately is not used, I will be paying for that code for the life of the system, which is typically longer than my professional life. If they went surfing, they would have fun, and I would have a less expensive system and fewer headaches to maintain.

  • NHibernate SessionFactory Lesson

    Anyone who worked with NHibernate knows that SessionFactory is an expensive object, that better to be constructed once, cached and re-used to build lightweight and disposable NHibernate sessions. It’s always shows up as a warning in books (NHibernate in Action, page 35), WIKIs, blogs, etc.

  • Domain Object and Contracts – The End

    In my previous blog about domain objects and contracts for those, I have described the situation where the team was thinking in a different way than myself, and what we tried. I have never blogged back about the fact that the team got convinced that this is not a good practice, and long time ago we stopped doing that. Today I spotted a blog post from James Gregory where he names it properly “an anti-pattern”. That’s what it is. End of the story.

  • DD vs. DD – The End

    I had an old post, back in July 2008, where I had a few comments on Data Driven vs. Domain Driven applications. It will be almost a year soon since that post, and I have definitely learned a lot since then. One thing I learned for sure, is to pick your the battles. You cannot fight a developer who knows data driven applications since day one and nothing else, that domain driven applications are not necessarily more ‘efficient’, but more maintainable, allow better link between domain concept and software, allow change, pass the reality tests when change in business is coming. It’s the same as trying to convince someone who spent 2/3 of his career without testing and sees no value in it, suddenly to start TDD or even ‘worse’, BDD. Why to bother? I know my stuff well, don’t I? Look, XX years in the industry are not wasted. No, they are invested with a little ROI. But these are religious wars. Useless. Therefore I am off the topic, and just learning, exploring, and implementing things I see the right way at the given moment. Once you concentrate on doing that rather than chasing ghosts to convince, you realize what is right and what is wrong, without a need in side-kicks.

  • CategoryAttribute

    Anyone who's doing TDD is familiar with the CategoryAttribute coming with the most of frameworks. Today (I am surprised it took us so long!) we got read of