
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • xUnit Test Patterns - The Book

    I have a deep respect to people writing books. Not only it's a commitment, but a hard work that may not be appreciated, despite all the efforts invested into creation of a such. Saying that, some books are just not as good as the hype around them. Unfortunately, I found "xUnit Test Patterns" by Gerard Meszaros not very pleasant for reading...

  • db4o

    I was exposed to Domain-Driven Design not that much time ago. Prior to that, I was struggling with the object-relational impedance mismatch while developing objects based applications. First attempt to get relational database close to the applications I was writing was an uneducated experiment to "wrap" the data into objects. The reason I think of this now as "uneducated" decision, is because I knew nothing about proper object relational mappers, neither had sufficient knowledge about patterns such as Identity, Unit of Work, Repository, etc.

  • State Pattern with FluentNHibernate

    FluentNHibernate is an amazingly nice DSL to use for quick NHibernate mapping implementation. Today I had to refactor some of the code we did at work, in order to persist a state of an object. The original code was implemented using State pattern, which allows simple division of responsibility and easy decision making at each given step. I have decided to create a simple example of State pattern persisted with FluentNHibernate in order to demonstrate how powerful it is and what kind of freedom it can give to developers.

  • Sick of Relational Databases

    I have started to read a new book about OODB. The reason I decided to get the book and go through it is because I am SICK of the traditional RDBMS and the way it forces us to go through loops and hoops to create domain driven applications.

  • Hudson – CI Engine (part 2)

    In my previous blog about Hudson I was excited as a user how cool and great this CI engine was. This week I had to quickly setup a project and get it going on our build server. Boy oh boy, that was great task. Easy, clean, and fast. You should definitely check it out.

  • Two Good XML Tools

    I was working a lot lately with regular expressions and XPath. As usual in scenario like this, you want to have a good tool to assist your tests writing. For regular expressions I used Rad Software Regular Expression Designer that does a good job of matching and replacements. For XPath, I used SketchPath 2.0 which is really friendly and great to use. Both are free for usage.