
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • Visual Studio 2008 Crashes When Adding Custom Pipeline Components to Toolbox

    I have run into this issue trying to add custom pipeline component to toolbox. The only way (I know about) to add a custom pipeline component to a customized pipeline is using the visual designer. In order to do that you have to have components on toolbox. This was a bit frustrating. Google has brought one result which was exactly what I needed. One of the comments had another link, to the similar issue, but this time with a different title: Hotfix for BizTalk 2009 and Visual Studio 2008. I followed the link, installed hotfix, and it worked. Oh, yes, you have to reboot your machine for hotfix to work completely (this is where I spent some time pulling my hair out and asking why hotfix didn’t work?!). Once this is done, you are good to go.

  • Reading/Writing Promoted Properties from BRE

    ESB Toolkit Extensions is an open-source library giving you an extended BRE/BRI provider to read and write promoted properties of a message within business rules engine. I’ve used it to achieve automated process for mapping to canonical schema and then back to destination schema based on receiver ID as a promoted property (will blog on this later). A very useful library!image

  • Looking for Good Developers (again)

    Here I am shouting again about the fact that we are looking for good developers. Our team has matured, and now definition of a “good developer” is not what we used to think of it before. Don’t misunderstand me, we are looking from smart people, but also rounded people.

  • ESB Toolkit 2.0 – New Itinerary Bug?

    I run into something really annoying this morning with Itinerary DSL in VS.NET designer. The only way to create an itinerary is to create it in a project of a library type. This is confusing, since for a simple application, I should be able to achieve the same with a plain BizTalk project. The ironic part is that within BizTalk project creation of itinerary IS an option, but when selected, add a new (standard) BizTalk item dialog shows up, with no itinerary in it. A bug?

  • Nokia N900

    This is history repeating itself, so I wanted to share the story in case it will help someone.

  • Developer Computers

    This is a thought I had to a post I read this morning. Doug, who’s running a company that does software development, has published a post about Developer Computers. It is interesting to observe developers position vs. business people position. Yes, developers want the latest and the greatest, and if possible, something that will be still up-to-date tomorrow. Business people often do the opposite; especially highlighting the fact that developer’s appetite for new hardware is not justifiable. Being developer myself, I’d like to show a few things, material for a thought.

  • Pro BizTalk 2009

    imageI have finished reading Pro BizTalk 2009 book from APress. This is a great book  if you’ve never dealt with BizTalk in the past and want to have a quick “on-ramp”. Although the book is very concerned about right way of building traditional BizTalk applications, it also dedicates a chapter to ESB Toolkit and does a good job in analyzing it. The fact that authors were concerned with subject such as coupling, hard-coding, automation, etc. makes it very interesting.