
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • Testing BizTalk Custom Pipeline

    There are a few ways to test BizTalk Custom Pipelines out there. If you want automatically execute pipeline on input and verify it’s not exploding, you can leverage TestableSendPipeline coming along with BT projects.

  • Sending Big Files with WCF

    I had to look into a project that submits large files to WCF service. Implementation is based on data chunking. This is a good approach when your client and server are not both based on WCF, bud different technologies.

  • Comparing Checksums

    This is something trivial, yet got me to think for a little. I had two checksums, one received from a client invoking a service, another one calculated once data sent into service is received. Checksums are plain arrays of bytes. I wanted to have comparison to be expressed as simple as possible. Quick google search brought me to a post that dealt with the same issue. But linq expression was too chatty and I think the solution was a bit muddy.

  • BDD is Spreading

    Nice to see BDD spreading quickly around. Reminds me how about two ago I wanted to switch our company from ASP.NET web forms to MVC, to allow better introduction into testability. This video just reminded me how correct that assumption was. And these days, with the tools like MSpec and support out of box by R# and VS.NET – it’s a must. Enjoy the video.

  • Learn before Build

    Buy vs. Build dilemma is quite common in software development. Based on degree of customization, decisions are made. But is it just degree of customization? As a developer, the urge to build and will to prove that “we can pull it off” is very strong. What I find often is that another dilemma exists, similar to the mentioned one, but rooted in restrictions related to time and will to go above the “regular known” – Learn vs. Build.

  • wave-vs.net

    This is an interesting plug-in for VS.NET 2008/2010 to allow remote pair-programming. I’m a big advocate for pair-programming and collaborative work, so this plug-in has its place in the real world. I used to pair-program with a developer that was remote, and we used VNC/RDC, but this one is way better.