.NET, code, personal thoughts
Developer Computers
This is a thought I had to a post I read this morning. Doug, who’s running a company that does software development, has published a post about Developer Computers. It is interesting to observe developers position vs. business people position. Yes, developers want the latest and the greatest, and if possible, something that will be still up-to-date tomorrow. Business people often do the opposite; especially highlighting the fact that developer’s appetite for new hardware is not justifiable. Being developer myself, I’d like to show a few things, material for a thought.
Pro BizTalk 2009
I have finished reading Pro BizTalk 2009 book from APress. This is a great book if you’ve never dealt with BizTalk in the past and want to have a quick “on-ramp”. Although the book is very concerned about right way of building traditional BizTalk applications, it also dedicates a chapter to ESB Toolkit and does a good job in analyzing it. The fact that authors were concerned with subject such as coupling, hard-coding, automation, etc. makes it very interesting.
Code Coverage Tool – New Kid on the Block
We are utilizing NCover to perform code coverage as a part of CI process on the build server. On development machines, at least for now, we don’t have it (which is a bummer). PartCover (a free alternative to NCover) is not there yet, so we waited till the right time would come to buy workstation licenses. It looks like the time is almost right. JetBrains has announced they will release dotCover tool starting with the traditional EAP program (which is well known from R#).
Reminder: True WCF Asynchronous Operation
A true asynchronous service operation is not the one that returns void, but the one that is
marked as IsOneWay=trueusing BeginX/EndX asynchronous operations (thanks Krzysztof). -
Can’t figure out how to run this combination. Anyone has it going?
BizTalk Project: AssemblyInfo Issue
Every new BizTalk project has the next line in AssemblyInfo.cs file:
Specification based testing is kind of testing I prefer. Once in a while I like to see what’s available. This time, it was SpecFlow framework. Based on Gherkin style specification, it creates your specs, nicely integrating with Visual Studio .NET (I used 2008). This is what an output of a test written with SpecFlow looks like in VS2008 (used R# 5 Beta 2 for as a test runner).
Reporting with NHibernate?…
About over a year+ we had a little application that was leveraging NHibernate for a simple domain. Along all the requirements, one was to generate a pre-defined report with a few simple filters on it. Initial thought was to leverage the same domain we’ve worked out and build report based on that. It was obviously not the best solution there, but once we got the profiling, it was obviously the worse one we could come up with. Re-hydrating entities for reporting was a little bit of a waste. So what would be an alternative without re-investing a lot? We ended up re-using same NHibernate, but in a slightly different manner.
First it was classic ASP, then ASP.NET with WebForms. At the previous company I used to work with it implementing Model-View-Presenter. Since then, I have not touched web development a lot. A lot has changed, and the biggest addition was ASP.NET MVC Framework. Now, there’s a new kid on the blog, that gives ASP.NET WebForms a second change – WebFormsMVP. Check it out.
Cortex BDD Test Framework
Back in 2008 I joined Cortex. I was lucky to join a dynamic and growing development team, not afraid of experimenting and pushing the boundaries of Test-driven development. We were on the learning curve from classical state and interaction-based testing to something bigger. Terry and I started to look into ways to reduce the friction and repetition of test initialization and mocking framework usage (RhinoMocks at that time). This was the beginning of the BDD (behavior-driven development) test framework at Cortex that has since evolved into our standard for all of the projects.