Visual C# .NET 2003 stop showing IntelliSense

I was working with Visual Studio .Net and struggle to get Intellisense on IDE.I believe this is all because of mess up with multiple project or multiple reference in a solution.

How I solve this ?
Well as usual went to and found this link and simple delete all debug folder of all project. 

The IntelliSense feature for a Visual C# .NET project stops working in the Visual Studio .NET IDE;en-us;838470

Back to work...


Thanks and Regards,

Suresh Behera

1 Comment

  • Same problem here but this is what I found, specific to my case at least.

    In Solution Explorer click "show all files". Look for three files .aspx .cs .resx. if the .resx has a yellow exclamation symbol on it then Intellisense will not work. I close the working .aspx and .cs and then right click the .resx and delete it. I then reopen the .aspx and the .resx is recreated and Intellisense works fine.

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