
Archives / 2007
  • VS 2008 and .NET 3.5 Beta 2 released

    Beta 2 of VS 2008 and .NET 3.5 which was just released a few minutes ago and is available for download.  I know I've been really quiet on my blog for a while.  I'm still around, just haven't freed up my time enough to do the blogging that I know I should.  I figured I would break my silence and mention this release.

  • 1000MB is not 1GB

    I had an interesting situation come up yesterday that I thought would be worth writing about. 

  • PowerShell Cheat Sheet

    Here's a must-have cheat sheet for PowerShell.  Jeffrey Snover has put together an excellent doc that is well worth printing off and keeping handy for anyone working with PowerShell: