Lance's Whiteboard
Random scribbling about C#, Javascript, Web Development, Architecture, and anything else that pops into my mind.
I'm a Gold Dragon!
After reading a fellow blogger's post about his dragon-color, I had to check my colors. Its an interresting little personality-test thats oddly accurate. Sorry 'bout this bit of self-serving fluff in the blog...but, it is my blog... :P
Laziness rules!
Laziness, not to be confused with procrastination, is a mainstay of most programmers world. I am pleased to see that programmers are finally starting to embrace their laziness!
The end of Wrox Press?
While doing my daily check for Blog updates I was shocked and dismayed to read Andrew Krowczk's post about Wrox Press notifying authors to stop work on any contracted work.
C# Refactory???
A coworker introduced me to the concept of "refactoring tools" lastnight by showing me the C# Refactory tool at
"Source" of my anger...
ok...a few of you wanted to know exactly what I was all riled up over. The API was Visual SourceSafe automation.
Sometimes I hate Microsoft....
Yes, I know its almost sacrilige to admit this....I get the same reaction from this statement as when I criticize President Bush's "foreign policy" near some staunch Republicans.
Welcome to my new Blog!!
I am looking forward to this move from my BlogSpot address to this new DotNetWeblogs address.