Joel From Canada

Joel Semeniuk's Blog

  • Scrum for Team System: Beta 3 is now available

    One of my all time favorite software development lifecycle patterns is Scrum.  It's simple.  It's proven.  Period.  If you don't already know this, Conchango has developed a SCRUM Team System process template for Team System.    Scrum for Team System: Beta 3 is now available if you are registered on their beta program.  I'm going to install the latest version for VSTS RC tonight to see the new features and reports.  I recommend that you take a serious look at this as well.

    Learn more here: White Paper.pdf

  • "Hello Children... Do you like a candy?"

    Do you get excited by technology?  Do you stay up at night pouring through AJAX specifications just for giggles?  Do you have a need to know everything about a particular technology so that you can write about it, blog about it, speak about it, teach it, eat it, drink it, sleep it – let it consume you so that you have no equal?  Have you experienced every aspect of software engineering, from WinAPI programming to Project Management and feel you need to let your wisdom elevate you to some level you only thought was a dream?  Ever feel like you want to stand out on a scale that would scare your mom?  Are you fun to work with?  Are you amazing with people?  Can you write amazing code while at the same time discuss the benefits of agile project management principles to customers?  Do you want to drink from a fire hose every single day?  Do you have an open mind.. and want to work with others to expand it with new ideas, evolutionary principles, and charodic exhilaration?  Do you like travel?  Do you have a flare for evangelism?  Do you have any flare at all?  Do you have something to prove.. to yourself.. your friends.. your peers - your mom?  Are you a Rock Star on the stage of life with no audience?

  • Tier 1 and Tier 2 Canadian Launch Cities – DONE!

    Actually, there was one little thing that could have gone better – you see, about ¼ of the way through the ASP.NET/Smart Client session – the room started spinning and I truly felt like I was going to loose my cookies.  I kept on thinking to myself “Just keep your hands in your pocket – look at your shoes – nod – and you will be OK” – for those of you who have seen me present before – this must have come as a shocker.   Bristowe was talking in a fury about ASP.NET master pages as I slowly felt more and more like I was actually going to puke my guts out in front of 400 people.  Nice hey?  As I stand there eying the big bowl of ice water that was cooling our bottles of drinking water wondering if it would be acceptable to use it as a puke-pot – John starts asking me to explain some new IDE enhancements… oye – not good – concentration broken…I decided to sit out one of John’s demos to catch a breather.  I totally zoned out – (go to my happy place – breath) - and by the time John got to the Smart Client section I started to feel better.  My entire family is home sick with the flu this week – looks like I’m next in line.

  • Team System Code Coverage and Manual Tests?

    No problem...

    1.  Turn on Code Coverage in your app
    2.  Launch the Manual Test from the Test Manager
    3   Use the Windows Explorer to find the target app and run it manually
           eg.  If you build to Math\bin\debug\math.exe - launch manually from this location
    4.  Follow the instructions in the manual test - pass or fail it
    5.  Shut down the app
    6.  View code coverage results

  • November 29 Release of the PTE

    November release of the Process Template Editor - bottom line, lots of changes and bug fixes.


    Icons for All Windows
    "for" and "not" should be renamed
    Areas and Iterations Map to Definitions
    Duplicate Names
    Bottom half of Groups and Permissions doesn't seem to be working
    KABOOM: Creating New Item in a Document Library
    Change the Infragistics Controls
    Drop Down for Title field
    Areas and Iterations to display hierarchy
    Work Item Rendeing seems off
    States and Transitions Fix
    Editing Layout
    Reportable Fields Fix
    Permissions KABOOM
    Clicked on New button
    New Document Library doesn't work
    Right Click on existing library
    Able to change extension...
    Adding new report should allow me to select a existing report file
    No minimum size on the work item type window
    Sizing Work Item Dialog does not size controls
    Adding New Transition does not allow for a reason
    Able to Add a State that Transitions to itself
    Work Item Type validation rules should not only be a function of the GUI
    No minimum size for main MDI window
    Online Global List saving should have a timer mouse icon
    Tree Navigation for entire application

  • November 21 Release of the Team System Process Editor

    Here is the latest release. What's changed? Well, we ripped out all of the Infragistics controls for one. We've also added lots more validation (when online) as well as user interface enhancements to help prevent you doing crazy things that is allowed in the resulting XML but you would never want to do in real life. We've also added Global List support. Our next release is next week where we will be rounding out more corners specifically around Global List support as well as Work Item Type field level support (not to mention making it look nicer - adding the missing Menu features, etc). You can get it from the GDN Workspace or from our web site... Note, I have completely opened up membership to the GDN Workspace... I kept running out of memberships to give out...

  • Get Ready Edmonton and Victoria...

    .. because you are about to get rocked!!!  The Visual Studio launch is hitting those cities on November 15th (Edmonton) and 17th (Victoria).  I've been zip zagging across this tiny planet (literally) for the past year and haven't spend much time in Canada.  Because of this I'm really stoked to say that I'm co-presenting along with the LEGENDARY John Bristowe who decided to take a ride on the wild side and go work for Microsoft Canada.   John has recently delivered the launch event in Toronto and Ottawa - and let me tell ya - the man is on fire!!!  I only guarantee two things.   You will learn - and you will be entertained!!!