"Hello Children... Do you like a candy?"

Do you get excited by technology?  Do you stay up at night pouring through AJAX specifications just for giggles?  Do you have a need to know everything about a particular technology so that you can write about it, blog about it, speak about it, teach it, eat it, drink it, sleep it – let it consume you so that you have no equal?  Have you experienced every aspect of software engineering, from WinAPI programming to Project Management and feel you need to let your wisdom elevate you to some level you only thought was a dream?  Ever feel like you want to stand out on a scale that would scare your mom?  Are you fun to work with?  Are you amazing with people?  Can you write amazing code while at the same time discuss the benefits of agile project management principles to customers?  Do you want to drink from a fire hose every single day?  Do you have an open mind.. and want to work with others to expand it with new ideas, evolutionary principles, and charodic exhilaration?  Do you like travel?  Do you have a flare for evangelism?  Do you have any flare at all?  Do you have something to prove.. to yourself.. your friends.. your peers - your mom?  Are you a Rock Star on the stage of life with no audience?


If you answered “yes” to 14 out of the 15 questions.. I may have a job for you <grin>.  Details on where to apply coming soon.


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