Joel From Canada
Joel Semeniuk's Blog
More Branching and Merging Practices
Very good article -
Very cool online tool.. love the controls
Joel on DotNetRocks September 12
Just FYI - you can listen to me on DotNetRocks on September 12th talking all about Microsoft Team Foundation Server - whats coming.. some of my opinions and experiences.. all good.
Brian Harry on Stuff in the Pipe for TFS
Steve Porter - Process and Team System Extraordinaire Blogs Too
Steve Porter, who's doing some amazing stuff at the Imaginet Academy with our customers around process improvement and Team System is now blogging. Check him out:
The Process Template Editor and GDN
Very Cool - the Process Template Editor is on the main page of
Cruise Control and Team System
Here is a link to a VSTS plugin that allows you to use CCNET with Team System.
SQL 2005 and Team System
Want to store your SQL stuff in Team System's version control system? On April 3rd you should be able to grab the TFS MSSCCI Provider.
Scrum for Team System - Released
TechEd BOF and Why I've Been So Silent Lately
I admit it - I've been dead silent on the blog front for a very long time. That doesn't mean that I've been up to no good - in fact, just the opposite. I've been drowning in work - all Team System and Software Engineering Process Improvement stuff. Good heaven - what an exciting life I must lead! (sarcasm alert)