TechEd BOF and Why I've Been So Silent Lately

I admit it - I've been dead silent on the blog front for a very long time.  That doesn't mean that I've been up to no good - in fact, just the opposite.  I've been drowning in work - all Team System and Software Engineering Process Improvement stuff.  Good heaven - what an exciting life I must lead! (sarcasm alert)

First - if you are interested in how Team System helps manage projects - check out the Birds of a Feature (BOF) sessions at TechEd.  Mine is called "Managing Projects with Team System" - suspiciously this happens to be the title of the book I'm working on... - Go figure!

Granted, the topic does sound a little boring - however, I want to provide an opportunity to go beyond the tools (tools are easy) - and explore ways you can use Team System to help you delivery software.  I don't want people to talk mumbo jumbo - agile this, agile that - CMMI this, CMMI that - cumulative flow diagrams everywhere - I want to talk real life.  I want to hear you discuss what its like to be a consulting company and use Team System, what its like to be a software vendor and use Team System - what its like to be a large systems integrator - and attempt to use Team System.   If you are interested, go and vote - select my session and go nuts.

The BOF is my last chance to contribute to TechEd - all seven of my proposed topics were killed by "the man" - and I have sooo much to talk about after working with customers for over a year now.. nuts hey?  I'm not bitter though... noooo.. not bitter at all.  I'm actually OK with that - because I'm speaking at this year.  For those of you who don't know about DevTeach - hands down, its Canada's BEST geekfest in one of the WORLD's most beautiful cities - Montreal.  If you get the chance.. go to this event.  Its going to be great to spend some time in Canada speaking for once.  The organizers of this event finally have it right.  We don't get paid to present - we simply WANT to present at this event - that's how good it is.

The Process Template Editor seems to have been a fairly good success.  We have LOTS of additional features coming.  We also have another tool coming out very shortly that I'm sure you will find stunning and absolutely necessary.  Wait for it... I might be showing it off at TechEd...I have to keep it under wraps right now since the walls have ears - if you get what I'm saying...

If I don't get to host a BOF session at TechEd - would anyone be interested in meeting up for some bevies? - to talk shop of course...  Let me know.

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