My wife and I recorded a Christmas song: Twelve Days of the Partridge
Since 2007, my wife and I have been contributing a song to the Familyre Christmas compilation albums. You can download this year's for free, and you can play them all online on Bandcamp. My wife had written original songs each previous year; this year I suggested we just record a classic like The Twelve Days of Christmas.
Working around a Powershell Call Depth Disaster With Trampolines
I just posted about an update to my NuGet package downloader script which included a few fixes, including a fix to handle paging. That sounds boring, but wait until you hear about the trampolines.
NuGet PowerShell Downloader Update - Adding Failed Download Retries, Better Paging Support
I previously posted a NuGet PowerShell downloader script, which is handy for downloading a local NuGet repository. There are several common uses:
A look back at the ASP.NET site through the years
While writing up the release post for the new ASP.NET website, I started thinking about the site's changed over the years, and that lead me on a brief excursion through the Wayback Machine history of the ASP.NET home page. Here are some highlights:
ASP.NET website redesign: Now with less Beta, more Live
Back in October, I posted about the beta release of the ASP.NET website redesign at Since then, we've listened to a lot of great feedback, ruthlessly evaluated a huge catalog of content, and continued to reorganize things so you can more easily find useful content. That redesign just graduated from beta to live today.