Hajan Selmani
CEO & Founder of HASELT, Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET/IIS
Case-insensitive XPath query search on XML Document in ASP.NET
Sometimes we need to read XML files that are manually written by users and find some elements in the XML tree. Using .NET library, we can easily navigate throughout the whole XML file since the library has excellent support for working with XML files. One of the challenges you may come across is when you want to search for specific node in the XML file, but you are not sure about the letter case (lower, upper or even mixed) of the XML elements.
jQuery UI Accordion in ASP.NET MVC - feed with data from database (Part 3)
In the part one I’ve shown how to implement the jQuery Accordion on client-side and add some predefined skin.
jQuery UI Accordion in ASP.NET WebForms - feed with data from database (Part 2)
In the first part I’ve shown how to implement jQuery UI Accordion in an ASP.NET website in only few steps, without any server-side interaction. We’ve seen how easy is to setup the Accordion and to apply some theme to it.
jQuery UI Accordion in ASP.NET – Client side implementation (Part 1)
Accordion is a well-known web control that allows you to have multiple web panes and display them one at a time. It’s like having several ASP.NET panels in one website and are dependant on each other so that only one panel is shown at a time while other are collapsed. If you are familiar with the jQuery UI, you probably already know about jQuery UI Accordion which exactly gives you the same ability what I’ve described previously.
Using Images embedded in Project’s Assembly
Few months ago, I wrote a blog “Working with embedded resources in Project’s Assembly" explaining how you can embed resources in the project's assembly.
Macedonian Code Camp 2010 event has finished successfully
Thanks to all attendees, contributors/sponsors, speakers and the organization board, the event ‘Macedonian Code Camp 2010’ held on Saturday, 6th of November in Skopje (Republic of Macedonia) has finished successfully.
Tips and Tricks: Deferred execution using LINQ
Few days ago I was watching the Scott Allen’s video where he shows some interesting tips and tricks and ways to optimize your LINQ code. The following blog refers to one of his first tips in the video, so I’ve tried some tests which I’m going to explain here.
Using System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch class to measure the elapsed time
I’ve been playing around with the Stopwatch class using .NET Framework 4.0. It contains great set of methods which you can use to measure the elapsed time while your code executes.
Speaking at Macedonian Code Camp 2010
Hello everyone,
URL Routing in ASP.NET 4.0 Web Forms
As a capability, URL routing was first time introduced in ASP.NET 3.5 SP1. The URL routing is well known in the ASP.NET MVC, but it can be also implemented in ASP.NET Web Forms Framework.