Jesus Rodriguez's WebLog

Microsoft MVP BizTalk Server Oracle ACE

  • Service Broker adapter for BizTalk Server

     As part my Cabanas Talk this year at Teched we presented a prototype of the Service Broker adapter for BizTalk Server that allows developing SSB conversations that involves BizTalk applications. In the past month we also develop a WebCast with a more consistent version of the adapter. Now as part of Service Broker Enhancements we presented the first version of the SSB adapter for BizTalk Server and its completely available for download.

  • WS-Management

    Microsoft and eleven industry partners have submitted the Web Services for Management (WS-Management) specification (Version 1, Edition 3) to the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) for "further refinement and finalization as a Web services-based management standard."

  • Oracle news

    Oracle has released a new version of its Application Service with special emphasis in the SOA technologies:

  • XSLT, XQuery, XPath news

    The XML Query and XSL Working Groups have released the following Working Drafts of XML Query 1.0, XSL 2.0, XPath 2.0 and supporting documents. The goal of this release is to permit public review of changes made in response to Last Call comments. Visit the XML home page. (News archive)

  • New integration technologies

     The two software giants have unveiled new integration platforms. Microsoft and IBM have announced a set of technologies oriented oriented to integration solutions.

  • Service Broker Enhancements

    Well, I am back from a one month of silence in my Weblog. I had different arguments for that. I have been working in a project with Microsoft Consulting Services that kept me busy a great part of the time. But the main reason for my non-prolific blogging is that I have been working with some folks to develop a set of technologies around SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) that enhances some of its functionalities and also facilitates the SSB integration with other Microsoft Technologies. The result of that hard work in the first version of SSB Enhancements that contains the following products:

  • nQueens record

    The OASIS team from INRIA has announced the calculation of the nQueens problem for n = 25 solved with ObjectWeb ProActive (2,207,893,435,808,352 total solutions found). This is a new world computation record, solved with Java, using a grid technology.
    The nQueens problem consists to place n queens on a nxn chessboard with that no queens are enable to capture each others.
    The computation was achieved in Peer-To-Peer mode (P2P), just using the spare CPU cycles of
    INRIA desktop machines. As such, the computing platform was highly heterogeneous: Linux, Windows, various JVMs, PII to Xeon bi-pro from 450 Mhz to 3.2 GHz, etc.
    The total duration time was slightly over 6 months (4444h 54m 52s 854), starting October 8th until June 11th, using the spare CPU cycles of about 260 machines. The cumulative computing time was over 50 years: 53 years 2 days 16 hours 27 minutes 1 seconds 117 ms!

  • WebCast

    Yesterday we Javier Mariscal (Two Connect president) and I presented a WebCast about BizTalk 2006 and SQL Server 2005. In the WebCast we show three demos that combine the Service Broker adapter for Biztalk, a Service Broker custom task for SSIS and a Business Rules custom task fro SSIS. Specifically the third demo shows how to combine the SSB custom task for SSIS and the SSB adapter for BizTalk to develop a conversation between SSIS and BizTalk. Nice session, good questions; hopefully the recorded version would be available soon.