Jesus Rodriguez's WebLog

Microsoft MVP BizTalk Server Oracle ACE


    A technical white paper "WS-BPEL Extension for Sub-Processes: BPEL-SPE" published by IBM and SAP proposes an extension to WS-BPEL that allows for the definition of sub-processes that can be reused within the same or across multiple WS-BPEL processes. A formal language specification defining the precise syntax and semantics of the BPEL-SPE extension is planned for later release. WS-BPEL v2.0 defines a model for web services composition through aggregation.

  • WF Business Rules

    Charles Young has wrote a super cool article about the differences between the Business Rule Engine in BizTalk and the Business Rules features in Windows Workflow Foundation

  • Web Service Transaction Technical Committee

    The new OASIS Web Services Transaction (WS-TX) Technical Committee brings together users and vendors in an open process to refine and finalize a set of specifications based on three initial contributions, Web Services Coordination (WS-Coordination), Atomic Transaction (WS-AtomicTransaction), and Business Activity Framework (WS-BusinessActivity). Other contributions and changes to these input documents will be accepted for consideration without prejudice or restriction and evaluated based on technical merit.

  • BPI & Workflow Conferece

    Last week I assisted to the workflow conference at Redmon. Mike Woods and the MS folks did a great job organizing the event. Great sessions, nice talks.

  • Window Workflow Foundation Runtime Services: The Persistence Service

    This is the first of a series of brief articles intended to illustrate the functionality and customizability of the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) Runtime Services. This first article is focused on describing WF’s persistence service and ways to customize it. Upcoming articles will cover other WF services such as tracking, communication, timer, and transactions to name a few. The article assumes that you are familiar with WF fundamentals. For an introduction to the WF basics, you can read this interesting article from David Chappell.

  • BEA news

    At its annual users’ conference, BEA Systems Inc. unveiled a Real Time Edition of its WebLogic application server and a WebLogic server enterprise-grade kernel. BEA also plans to provide more application-level detail through WebLogic Server 9.0 and extended support for open source Java frameworks, including Eclipse Web Tools, Apache Beehive and Apache XML Beans.