Service Broker UDDI Publisher

Service Broker UDDI Publisher (SSB Publisher) is one of the components provided in Service Broker (SSB) Enhancements that allows to add discovery capabilities to SSB Services.

The Service Broker UDDI Publisher (SSB Publisher) allows developers to easily publish the common Service Broker objects such as services, contracts, and message types to a UDDI registry for subsequent discovery by SSB applications. SSB applications can then use the SSB UDDI Importer tool, part of the Service Broker Enhancements suite, to import the published/discovered objects. The following table contains a description of each of the components included in the SSB Publisher.




SSB to UDDI Publishing Wizard

Guides you through the process of publishing an SSB

Service into the UDDI registry


This tool publish into an UDDI registry the required

tModels used by the UDDI Publishing Wizard


This tool provides a similar functionality as the UDDI

Publishing Wizard but from a command line



Benefits of using SSB Publisher to Publish to UDDI


The ability to query for and “discover” a specific service based on well-defined criteria is a key component of service orientation, and when properly implemented serves to significantly increase the viability of any services oriented solution. Recent years has seen the emergence of multiple Web Service discovery standards such as WS-Discovery, Web Service Inspection Language (WSIL), ebXML registry, and UDDI.. The most widely implemented of these is UDDI.  UDDI provides a generic data model used for describing service characteristics and making that description available to service consumers.

Although UDDI is mainly used with Web Services, its data-model is completely independent of Web Service concepts and can be used to describe other types of objects, such as CORBA objects for example. The UDDI standard has been adopted by some of the leaders in service oriented technologies such as Microsoft, IBM, BEA, Systinet etc.

It is important to note that discovery relies on Services being self-describing using a description language such as WSDL.  The description information exposed by the service through WSDL can be discovered by potential service consumers that are searching for services with specific characteristics. If SSB hopes to succeed in a service oriented world it must depend on an easy way to interact with UDDI in order to advertise and describe its available services and objects


Following are some of the benefits of using the SSB Publisher to allow SSB applications to interact using UDDI:

·        UDDI Services stores both the technical information to build an application compatible with a SSB contract, as well as the information required to successfully bind to that interface at runtime.

·        UDDI Services provides developers with a mechanism to find each other's services using a set of standard or customized classifications, which encourages code reuse.

·        A central repository of service description and technical binding information eases the task of reusing existing services and publishing new services based on standard- and custom-categorization schemes. With UDDI, developers can reuse components regardless of their development platform.

  • UDDI Services provides an efficient way to categorize programmable resources on the network. IT administrators can configure applications based on classifications schemes such as QoS, location, or organization during service deployment. For applications that check UDDI for binding information, only an update to UDDI is required to point applications at new services.
  • Using UDDI Services in applications, developers can query UDDI Services for service and binding information and dynamically adapt at runtime. This results in more robust and smarter applications that consistently deliver a more reliable experience for users.

·        Publishing SSB services in an UDDI registry makes them available to applications that can now query for services that implements determined contracts based on well-defined message types.

·        Developers can categorize the SSB Services so that published information will be more descriptive.

·        Using UDDI also facilitates the way in that SSB applications interact. We can now use a central repository to publish the SSB service description and facilitate its interoperability with other applications.  

 SSB Publisher conforms to a vendor-agnostic implementation of the UDDI 2.0 standard.  SSB Publisher is complemented with the Service Broker Importer product also included in the SSB Enhancements package.

The SSB UDDI Publisher is available as part of the SSB Enhancements GotDotNet workspace.

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