Service Broker Enhancements

Well, I am back from a one month of silence in my Weblog. I had different arguments for that. I have been working in a project with Microsoft Consulting Services that kept me busy a great part of the time. But the main reason for my non-prolific blogging is that I have been working with some folks to develop a set of technologies around SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) that enhances some of its functionalities and also facilitates the SSB integration with other Microsoft Technologies. The result of that hard work in the first version of SSB Enhancements that contains the following products:


  • Service Broker Adapter for BizTalk.
  • Service Broker UDDI Publisher.
  • Service Broker UDDI Importer.
  • Service Broker XML Gateway.
  • Service Broker Task for SQL Server Integration Services.

We have been receiving a great feedback from Microsoft and other people on the community that contribute a lot to the SSB Enhancements features. To all of them thanks so much. SSB Enhancements will be posted in GotDotNet this week and I am back to my habitual blogging schedule.

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