• Boy, the man who jumped in the pen to retrieve his child's toy... that must have been one expensive toy!

    After the first man bit the bear in the back, no wonder the bear is attacking people who jump in.

    Some people are dumb. But it makes you wonder why zoo officials haven't increased the height of the fence.

    As far as if Gu Gu is related to Scott, hmmm, I don't see a resemblance.


    Jack Black maybe. :) (Watched Kung Fu Panda last night, excellent movie!)


  • You just want him to comment on your blog :)

  • How is this post related to ASP.NET? And the joke is not funny at all.

  • I laughed for a few hours. Guthrie, known as the Gu, panda, known as Gu Gu... I'm still laughing

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