*Free* Utilities I Use!

Brenton House

*Free* Utilites I use!
Last Updated September 29, 2003 10:57 AM

Command Line Tools

File Name Product Name Author Description
afind.exe AFind 1.0 -- Forensic ToolkitTM v2.0 Foundstone, Inc AFind is the only tool that lists files by their last access time without tampering the data the way that right-clicking on file properties in Explorer will. AFind allows you to search for access times between certain time frames, coordinating this with logon info provided from ntlast, you can to begin determine user activity even if file logging has not been enabled.
bin2iso.exe .bin to .iso converter unknown command line application that converts .bin files to .iso files
bintext.exe BinText 3.0 Foundstone, Inc A small, very fast and powerful text extractor that will be of particular interest to programmers. It can extract text from any kind of file and includes the ability to find plain ASCII text, Unicode (double byte ANSI) text and Resource strings, providing useful information for each item in the optional "advanced" view mode. Its comprehensive filtering helps prevent unwanted text being listed. The gathered list can be searched and saved to a separate file as either a plain text file or in informative tabular format.
cmdow.exe cmdow 1.4.2 Ritchie Lawrence Cmdow is a Win32 commandline utility for NT4/W2K/XP that allows windows to be listed, moved, resized, renamed, hidden/unhidden, disabled/enabled, minimized, maximized, restored, activated/inactivated, closed, killed and more.
cpau.exe Create Process As User 1.01   Joe Richards A RUNAS replacement that allows you to run a program using username and password as arguments.
emptyrecyclebin.exe Empty Recycle Bin 1.0 Optimum X Allows you to empty the Windows Recycle Bin from the command line. Works on Windows XP, 2000, ME and 98. May work on Windows 95 and NT4 if the Active Desktop is installed (not tested). Use 'EmptyRecycleBin.exe /?' to view the syntax.
fromdos.exe ToFroDos 1.6 thefreecountry.com Tofrodos is a text file conversion utility that converts ASCII files between the MSDOS (or Windows) format, which traditionally have CR/LF (carriage return/line feed) pairs as their new line delimiters, and the Unix format, which usually have LFs (line feeds) to terminate each line.
gsar.exe General Search & Replace 1.11 Tormod Tjaberg General Search And Replace on files. (Documentation & Source). The archive contains a WIN32 executable.
hideexec.exe HideExec ScriptLogic Conceals the screen output of any application (Windows or console-based).
iever.exe IE Version 1.2 Harry Bates Displays version info about installed version of Internet Explorer on the the sytem.
inifile.exe IniFile 1.2 Horst Schaeffer IniFile handles Windows type INI files with section names in square brackets, and assignments of the form: item=string. INI files without sections are also supported. Maximum file size is 60Kb.
jad.exe Jad 1.5.8e unknown Jad is a Java decompiler, i.e. program that reads one or more Java class files and converts them into Java source files which can be compiled again.
junction.exe Junction Systernals Link Directories - An enhanced version of Win2k Resource Kit file "linkd.exe". -- Usage: If you want to view reparse information, the usage for Junction is the following: Usage: junction [-s] -s Recurse subdirectories. If you want to create or delete a junction, use Junction like this: Usage: junction [-d] [] To delete a junction specify the -d switch and the junction name.
modifyprofile.exe Modify Profile 1.20 Optimum X Loads Registry hives and modifies profiles for users who are not currently logged in.  Can also be used to modify new user profiles (Default User).
now.exe Now Microsoft Now displays the current date and time on STDOUT, followed by any command-line arguments you add. Now is similar to the MS-DOS ECHO command, but with a timestamp. The tool is useful for logging times from .bat or .cmd files to track progress.
nupp.exe Net Use Push/Pop Bill Stewart Stores a drive mapping, maps a UNC path to that drive letter temporarily, and then restores the previous mapping. This can be useful to map a temporary drive letter in a logon script.
recycle.exe Recycle 1.11 Frank P. Westlake Deletes one or more files by sending them to the Recycle Bin, if possible.
rmtshare.exe Remote Share Microsoft Share a folder or a printer on a remote or local server. Although missing from the Windows 2000 Resource kit the NT version works fine under 2K. (i.e. rmtshare \\differentmachine\newshare=c:\)
sanur.exe Runas Automation Utility 1.0.3 Ritchie Lawrence Sanur is a tiny Win32 console utility that 'pipes' a password into the Windows 2000/XP/2003 Runas utility, thereby making Runas scriptable. (i.e. runas /u:domain\username program.exe | sanur pa55w0rd )
setx.exe setx   Microsoft This command-line tool offers a batch method for setting environmental variables in the user or system environment and requires no programming or scripting. In addition to taking an environmental variable and its associated value from the command line, it can also get the values of registrykeys and write them to text files.
stunnel.exe Stunnel 4.04   Michal Trojnara Fantastic program! A must have if your work blocks ports such as 25 or 3389 (remote desktop) Stunnel is a program that allows you to encrypt arbitrary TCP connections inside SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) available on both Unix and Windows. Stunnel can allow you to secure non-SSL aware daemons and protocols (like POP, IMAP, LDAP, etc) by having Stunnel provide the encryption, requiring no changes to the daemon's code.
syspath.exe System Path Editor 1.0    dotnetboy
(Brenton House)
System Path Editor (syspath.exe) is a front end for reg.exe (should be included with Windows XP & possibly other OS's). It allows you to add and remove items from system path via the command line. It is a simple script that was compiled with AutoIt. I have tested it on Windows 2000, Windows XP, & Windows 2003.
tee.exe Tee Frank P. Westlake Sends output to console and a file. -- TEE [/o [[Drive:]Path]filename] [/i [[Drive:]Path]filename]
todos.exe ToFroDos 1.6 thefreecountry.com Tofrodos is a text file conversion utility that converts ASCII files between the MSDOS (or Windows) format, which traditionally have CR/LF (carriage return/line feed) pairs as their new line delimiters, and the Unix format, which usually have LFs (line feeds) to terminate each line.
url2bmp.exe url2bmp 1.03   Pixel Technology url2bmp is a Windows freeware converting an URL to an image. (bmp, png, jpeg, or tiff) Works in command-line mode or interactive.
wft.exe Wait For Time 1.0 Outside the Box Wait For Time waits until the system clock hits a specific time before allowing batch file execution to continue.  Great for kicking off tasks at night or while you're out to lunch.
wget.exe GNU Wget 1.9 beta GNU GNU Wget is a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP, the two most widely-used Internet protocols.
xdel.exe xDelete 2.04 ScriptLogic Tool to delete all files in a folder (and optionally recurse subfolders like the old DOS utility, DelTree).

.NET Applications

File Name Product Name Author Description
aports.exe Active Ports 1.4   SmartLine Active Ports - easy to use tool for Windows NT/2000/XP that enables you to monitor all open TCP and UDP ports on the local computer. Active Ports maps ports to the owning application so you can watch which process has opened which port. It also displays a local and remote IP address for each connection and allows you to terminate the owning process.
Anakrino.exe Anakrino Build #9 Jay Freeman C# Decompiler
BabbelFisken.exe BabbelFisken 0.53   Lars Johansson Converts VB.NET code to C# -- VB6 to C# -- Delphi to C#   (might need some tweaking after conversion!)
codelib.exe Code Library for .NET 4.7   fish Application to keep track of code snippets.
gbvb.exe Goodbye VB 1.0   Daniel Turini Goodbye VB converts VB.NET code to C#
FolderSizes.exe FolderSizes Mark Richards The free, simple solution to your hard disk space management problems...
Reflector.exe Reflector Lutz Roeder Reflector for .NET Reflector is a class browser, decompiler and XML documentation browser for .NET components (assemblies). It features assembly and namespace views, type and member search, reference search, IL disassembler, C# decompiler, VB decompiler, C# XML documentation viewer, MSDN help viewer, dependency trees, supertype/subtype hierarchies and resource viewers. Function prototypes are displayed in C# and VB syntax.
SnippetCompiler.exe Snippet Compiler 1.8 Jeff Key Great utility for compiling and testing .net code snippets!

Windows Utilities

File Name Product Name Author Description
aut2exe.exe AutoIt 2.6.4 Script Compiler HiddenSoft AutoIt is a simple tool that can simulate key presses, mouse movements and window commands (maximize, minimize, wait for, etc.) in order to automate any windows based task (or even windowed DOS tasks).
autoit.exe AutoIt 2.6.4 Script Executable HiddenSoft AutoIt is a simple tool that can simulate key presses, mouse movements and window commands (maximize, minimize, wait for, etc.) in order to automate any windows based task (or even windowed DOS tasks).
autoitX.dll AutoItX 1.51 HiddenSoft ActiveX control version of AutoIt. -- Control mouse and keyboard from .NET as well! (via ActiveX)
autoitscriptwriter.exe AutoIt Script Writer 2.0 unknown Great program to assist in creation of AutoIt scripts.
autoruns.exe AutoRuns 2.03 Systernals This applet shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login. These programs include ones in your startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys. You'll probably be surprised at how many executables are launched automatically. AutoRuns works on Windows 9x and Windows NT/2K.
daemon.exe Daemon Tools 3.3.3    Daemon-Tools Application that allows you to mount cd images as drive letters.
faber toys.exe Faber Toys 2.5 Build 240   Fabio Vescarelli Faber Toys is a system utility, mainly developed for power users who want to know what's going on in their Personal Computer. It may also be used by programmers as a tool for tracking their applications.
faviconizer.exe FavIconizer 06.05.03   Steve King A small utility which refreshes the icons in your IE favorites menu
filemon.exe File Monitor 6.07 Systernals Filemon monitors and displays file system activity on a system in real-time. Its advanced capabilities make it a powerful tool for exploring the way Windows works, seeing how applications use the files and DLLs, or tracking down problems in system or application file configurations. Filemon's timestamping feature will show you precisely when every open, read, write or delete, happens, and its status column tells you the outcome.
iconsnatch.exe Icon Snatcher 3.6.1   Creative Design Interactive Before you search the Internet for cool icons, look a little closer to home. Chances are you'll find some neat images hiding inside the files on your very own hard drive. Icon Snatcher is a free 32-bit utility that can extract icon files from any .exe, .dll, or any other type of file that might contain embedded icons.
regmon.exe Registry Monitor 6.06 Systernals Regmon is a Registry monitoring utility that will show you which applications are accessing your Registry, which keys they are accessing, and the Registry data that they are reading and writing - all in real-time.
scite.exe SciTE 1.54   SourceForge Project No list would be complete without a reference to my favorite free text editor! SciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor. Originally built to demonstrate Scintilla, it has grown to be a generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs.
startup.exe Startup Control Panel Mike Lin Startup Control Panel is a nifty control panel applet that allows you to easily configure which programs run when your computer starts. It's simple to use and, like all my programs, is very small and won't burden your system. A valuable tool for system administrators!
taskmanagerex.exe TastManager Extension Code Guru Show Application icons in Processes list (if available) -- Find a used file by any process. (Use * as file name for showing every used file) -- Close a used file (you can unlock an exclusively opened file, so you can delete it) -- Query list of every files, handles, modules, windows used by a given process -- and much more!
tortoisecvs.exe TortoiseCVS 1.4.5   SourceForge Project Don't even try to use CVS without this utility! TortoiseCVS is an extension for Microsoft Windows Explorer that makes using CVS fun and easy. Features include: coloured icons, tight integration with SSH, and context-menu interactivity.

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  • Just a typo, Andi Fleischmann is not the GBVB author, I am.

  • I don't know how that happened! I fixed it though! p.s. do you have a website and/or blog to link to?

  • 550 Access Toolbar is available for FREE and comprises Advance Search, Pop-up Protector and Privacy Manager. Advance Search includes an inbuilt list of 12 search engines to search instantly from any webpage. Pop-up Protector uses smart-filtering technology to block undesired pop-ups. With Privacy manager you can manually or automatically erase surfing history, cookies, passwords, recycle bin, temporary files, etc for a secure surfing environment.

  • Does anyone know of a utility similar to Sysinternals' HANDLE utility that shows how the open files were opened? I.E., if the file was opened with a share lock or exclusive lock, etc. Thanks!

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