Resetting my blog reading life

I always put all of my important stuff on a separate hard drive partition.  Always.  For applications that write to c: drive I always use Junction to create a hard link to my other partition.  Well… apparently not everything.   I used to have a hard link for RssPopper but apparently it was writing to c: drive and I recently rebuilt my machine and lost it all. 

So, I am starting over now.  Instead of having ~300 feeds in my OPML, I now have zero.  You would think I would at least have a backup of my OPML file, but no.

I feel really out of touch so I am going to build it back up as soon as possible, but I think I am going to do it with something like NewsGator that has online synchronization capabilities.  I haven’t used NewsGator in years so I will share my experiences with it.

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1 Comment

  • You oughta look at bloglines or one of the online rss readers. Then you can take that OPML locally if you want to. That way you have a way to look at it from any machine or do it from your local machine. Best of all worlds!

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