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  • Yes, it plugs into VS so you can use .NET or C# to deploy applications to RIM, Palm Treos, Mobile 5.0, Symbian etc. about 540 devices supported.

  • What he means is you can use VB.NET, or C# to target web services and other types of apps to the 4 major platforms. VB 6 can be used to target the non-RIM platforms as well.

  • So how do you do that. I got it to build to localhost (Discovery) , but it won't deploy to the BlackBerry. I read that about 10 steps had to happen for the BES server to be enabled for MDS. Thanks, David

  • I have create application for Blackberry Mobile using C#.Net.

    please tell me What tool i need?

    how can store Database?

    How can Create Application?

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