[OT] Netflix ripping off customers

I have had a Netflix subscription for quite a while and I noticed that they started taking up to two weeks between dvds.  I contacted them and they did not respond.  No apologies. No credits. No extra dvd.  Nothing.

Then I saw this article on CNN about how Netflix is “throttling” high renters.  If they are going to limit the number of dvds per month, they should’t advertise “unlimited” dvds.

Well, I am cancelling my Netflix account as of today and going to Blockbuster Online.  Blockbuster doesn’t have quite the selection of kids movies as Netflix, but I can also get 4 in store coupons per month to use.

Bye-Bye Netflix.



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  • BlockBuster Online sucks even worse ! After an initial couple of months where everything was great, they also started "throttling" and never responded to attempts to contact them. I've instead found it much more effective to simply get an "MVP" deal at my local Hollywood Video. That also has you pay an automatic monthly fee, and then I can get 2 or 3 movies at a time (depending on how much you pay) and swap them as often as I want or keep them as long as I want. So it basically works the same as the online deals, but it actually works. Sure it feels less convenient at first, but when the online deals just don't work and there is no one that will talk to you, it really is a great old style convenience to be able to walk in a store and it just works.

  • Agree. I started when Blockbuster first started their service. Great at first, but they started throttling. Not too many other choices.

  • Please kep in mind that Blockbuster is evil. They single-handedly ran 1000's of mom and pop video stores out of business in the 80's and 90's with their preditory tactics.

    I for one would never use them for anything.

  • About six months ago I stopped NetFlix because they were getting a little slow. Nowhere near two weeks between DVDs, but certainly up to a week sometimes.

    This month I plan to start up again and am interested if the DVDs arrive rapidly again for a few months. Maybe we just need to keep swapping services like health care providers: BCBS are try to put my rate up another 50% now they think I am 'locked-in'.

    Paul Wilson has time to go to the local video store! His MVP should revoked instantly! [kidding]

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