RIP, Google Toolbar...

I have been trying out the MSN Toolbar for a little while, at first just to get the tabbed browser.  However, I do like the results I get back from Google better then MSN.   I then found that you can change the settings in MSN Toolbar to actually search Google instead of MSN.  Nice!

Then I came across this article today that Google is going to be distributing Java with their toolbar.  That is the nail in the coffin for my several years with google toobar.

I think that MSN should start shipping the .NET Framework with it’s toolbar!

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  • "Users who download Sun's Java software, which is needed to run a variety of Web applications, will have the option of downloading Google's search toolbar."

    is not the same as

    "Google is going to be distributing Java with their toolbar."

  • You could try Opera, Safari, or Firefox and avoid the toolbar all together and get tabbed browsing.

  • Yeah man, get your facts straight ;-)

    Really, you should just be using Firefox anyway. Or, just hold out for IE 7

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