VistaDB -- Not quite ready for prime time with ADO.NET 2.0

I checked out VistaDB recently after seeing some posts about people that have started looking at it using .NET.

If I based everything on the marketing that is on their website, I would have probably just bought a copy but I download a trial version of it and found the following things:

If you try to do something like this:

DbProviderFactory _dbProviderFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory( “VistaDB” );

You get this error:

Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed.

So I did a little digging and found out why this doesn’t work and a few other things:

  • They do not ship a DbProviderFactory
  • They do not ship a DbConnectionStringBuilder
  • VistaDBCommand does not inherit from DbCommand
  • VistaDBCommandBuilder does not inherit from DbCommandBuilder
  • VistaDBConnection does not inherit from DbConnection
  • VistaDBParameter does not inherit from DbParameter

These are the ones that I found right off the bat that kept VistaDB from working with an ADO.NET 2.0 Framework.
I am guessing that this was ADO.NET 1.1 code and that they compiled it under 2.0 and shipped.

It sounds like a nice product.  I will try downloading a trial again after another release and see if these things are fixed.


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  • Hey Brenton,

    I had the same issue with iAnywhere. In order to make the DbProviderFactory work I created a new AsaCommandWrapper class, inherited form DbCommand and overrode the methods that I needed exposed. Had to do this with Command, Connection, DataAdapter, Parameter and of course DbProvidorFactory. It wasn't nearly as much work as it sounds and it works well. It will be a while before we see third party providers with the factory support.

  • So ADO.Net 2.0 requires inheriting from a the bases instead of just interfaces?

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