Taking a Resharper break
If you don’t know what that phrase means, you might not know what Resharper is. Resharper is a tool by JetBrains that gave you refactoring support in VS.NET 2003. The phrase “taking a resharper break” comes from the fact that when you go to open a VS.NET solution file (especially one with several projects) it can take several minutes, even on a fast machine with 2 GB of RAM. I think I was one of only a few people on my previous team that did not uninstall it. Don’t get me wrong, I DO think it is very slow. But I loved the refactoring tools that it gave me too much to give it up.
Which brings me to the Resharper 2.0 Beta. Now I am working on a team that is only using VS.NET 2005. I noticed that Resharper 2.0 has a version out for VS.NET 2005. It was unclear on their site what features Resharper 2.0 would give me over what I already had in VS.NET 2005. But last night, I installed in anyway…
Things that seem to be new:
– Run Unit Tests (Doesn’t seem to recognise VSTS unit tests)
– Debug Unit Tests (Again, doesn’t seem to recognise VSTS unit tests)
– A File Structure view that allows you to see your class by regions. (Basically just a fancy CTRL-M CTRL-O)
Things that don’t work so well
– When I Encapsulate a field in Resharper, it is not smart enough to realize that if my field is called “_isNullable” then I probably want my property to be called “IsNullable”. VS.NET 2005 is smart enough to know this.
– Going along with the item above, Resharper does not give me the option of
– I get all kinds of red squigglies signifying errors in my code because Resharper does not handle Generics very well at all.
Getting back to the title of this post, I thought for sure that I read that JetBrains was going to make Resharper 2.0 **NOT** require preloading of all types in all assemblies before opening my VS.NET solution. I was mistaken. I still have to take a resharper break…
Well, I do realize that this product is still in beta and maybe I will give it another try in a later beta or full release if I can see some justification for doing so. But in the mean time, I am uninstalling Resharper and going back to just VS.NET 2005.
VS.NET 2005 has a lot of the features people have been asking for and works very well for a beta release. The VSTS features are especially cool but I know not everyone is going to be using that functionality.
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