AT&T Motorola MPx200 Smartphone -- For Free ??

This phone is $50 after rebate from and another $50 rebate if you sign a 2yr contract with AT&T.

I don't know how these phones work.  I don't have one and I have never talked to anyone who has one either.  But for *free* I just might go pick one up for myself!  I currently use Sprint as a carrier, but I would be willing to switch to AT&T for a cool phone.

If anyone has one of these phones and is willing to provide some feeback, that would be cool!

[Motorola MPx200 Smartphone - Next Generation (AT&T)]

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  • Be careful about the "break your contract fee". Generally if your current contract is still going you'll be charged a good chunk of change to break it.

  • Funny your should ask - I just wrote about my experience today....Personal opinion is AT&T should be paying people to use them...check out the note on my log.

    Good luck!

  • The news is, the new Motorola MX 220 will be out in February, hence the deals.See for details

  • I got this deal, yes the phone was essentially free, but AT&T is horrible. Two things - if I am inside a large building like a Best Buy, Publix, or even a Blockbuster, I get no signal. Second - I made 3 411 calls on the phone because I broke down. They charged me 3, 4, and 12 (!!!!) minutes for the calls. How long do those operators have to get you the number - 20 seconds? Well, I got charged 12 minutes and when I called up and complained, they said I went over because I needed a plan with more minutes. AT&T stinks - I regret getting this phone because of that.

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