Indigo and Avalon Beta Releases (Beta 2 inside ???)

[From Sam Gentile’s Blog]

Here is a direct link provided by Sam Gentile.  Don’t know if it works with Beta 2, but we can only hope! 

Can anyone confirm this yet?




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  • It didn't work. And to make it worse, now my VS 2005 Beta 2 is not working at all. Good that I tried it first on VPC.

  • Yes there is a download.

    it's an express installer package.

    it's just the "runtime"

    no SDK files

    No Help FIles

    No VS templates

    so in general we need to wait some more for MSFT to release the full SDK and VS bits.

    from the comments there are a large number of chnages -- and without the SDK and help it's a hassle figuring out what got renamed to what.

    and what got dropped altogether.

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