ASP Today is back! -- I wonder if C# Today is coming back as well?

Paschal L noted that ASP Today  is back up and running.  I wonder if that means C# Today will be back up as well?   I never got a chance to subscribe to C# Today before Wrox bit the dust, but it seemed liked they had a lot of content on their site.

[Paschal L]

ASP Today is publishing again!
  • Tuesday 12 August, Switching To Windows Server 2003 and ASPNET 1.1. Part 1 - Windows Server 2003, by Alex Homer
  • Friday 15 August, Switching To Windows Server 2003 and ASPNET 1.1. Part 2 - ASP.NET 1.1, by Alex Homer
  • Monday 18 August, Creating a .NET Client FTP Class Part 1, by Jeremy Raccio

Well the first article by alex Homer is a bit disappointing to say the least !

It's more a brochure about what you have in Windows 2003. It should be a free article as as a starter for the new site.

As many surely I was eagerly waiting for a 'bang' article not something that you can find almost everywhere for free.

I was also expecting some new design to introduce the new site.

Well wait and see the first serious article on .Net, I mean the one entitled Creating a .Net Client FTP to judge the new site.



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