.NET Refactoring (Looking for advice...)

I am looking into tools for doing .NET (specifically C#) refactoring within VS.NET.   I used the Eclipse product for my previous Java development and although it supports C#, it really doesn't.  

I have found these products in my search, and I am curious if anyone has tried these tools or has found other refactoring tools that work well.

Xtreme Simplicity
.NET Refactoring
DeKlarit  (not a true refactoring tool)
Rational XDE  (Stand alone tool)
Openieuw  (from Patrick Steele's blog)

If anyone has feedback or advice please post your comments!   Thanks!

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  • Refactoring and Deklarit in one sentence just is wrong. I mean, Deklarit is not a refactoring too, but a (bad and very basic) O/R mapper.

    XTreme Simplicity is cool, though :-)

  • Hi, I use Xtreme Simplicity as well and I have been very satisified. I especially like the way in which if there is an update available the it asks you if you want to install it. Also the integration with Visual Studio 2002 and 2003 is very good and I had no problems.

    I have not used either of the other too tools mentioned. The Rational tool I expect would also be good but it is extremely expensive. If I remember correctly the Xtreme Simplicity tool is less than $100 but of course it does less.

    Maybe have a look at the C# Builder from Borland as I think that comes with Refactoring tools.

  • Fixed link for .NET Refactoring (Thanks Yves!)

  • I downloaded and tried Borland's C# Builder but I couldn't find any refactoring support. I also tried looking on their site to find info about refactoring. I guess it is my imagination, but I swear I remember hearing that C# Builder was going to have great support for refactoring a few months back...

  • We're using the Xtreme Simplicity's C# Refactory (1.18) with good results. Not to many updates lately. There are some limitiations if your code is not in a compilable state.

  • As far as I can tell, Rational XDE for VS.NET has no refactoring support!

  • stay away from Xtreme Simplicity. We made the payment 2 weeks ago but still waiting for activation code. Also sent several emails. No response. If you look at the forum in their website. You will also see a lot of complaints.

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